OT: RIP Bob Newhart, 94

Sitting in a cool little bar in Breckenridge havin an amber ale and did not know this....sad, but he lived a long and amazing life and was one of a kind. That sitcom with the two daryl's was gold. His skit on tobacco was legendary. His line on Big Bang when he learned leonard and penny were dating..."what do you guys talk about" could not have been delivered any better. Dry, and hilarious.

R.I.P. sir
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Sitting in a cool little bar in Breckenridge havin an amber ale and did not know this....sad, but he lived a long and amazing life and was one of a kind. That sitcom with the two daryl's was gold. His skit on tobacco was legendary. His line on Big Bang when he learned leonard and penny were dating..."what do you guys talk about" could not have been delivered any better. Dry, and hilarious.

R.I.P. sir
Boy did you ever pick the best possible week to get off the grid
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