it looks like our lead site admin and former gubernatorial candidate Dean is currently embroiled in a bit of a twitter shitshow at the moment against the current UNL student body president. from what i can tell, the president voted for the board of regents to shut down or otherwise slash the Daily Nebraskan newspaper. not surprising to me, since the only folks who read the paper now are those of @oldred and @oldblue generation, but thats another story.
anyways, Dean is giving this kid hell on twitter right now, tagging him each time
. ill try to condense it into a readable format.
oh shit son throwing haymakers
good job invoking Sip here, should be sure to change some hearts and minds...
someone might want to give Spencer a heads up to bring his brass knuckles to the Student Union meeting
come on @Sean Callahan give us the scoop on this one
anyways, Dean is giving this kid hell on twitter right now, tagging him each time

oh shit son throwing haymakers
good job invoking Sip here, should be sure to change some hearts and minds...
someone might want to give Spencer a heads up to bring his brass knuckles to the Student Union meeting
come on @Sean Callahan give us the scoop on this one