OT: mods IF this is too political feel free to lock. But I will give it a try. Lower the voting age?

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Nebraska Football Hall of Fame
Dec 8, 2004
I know. IF you have to ask if it's ok, then you probably already know the answer.

A Nebraska state legislator wants to offer up a constitutional amendment to lower the voting age to 16.


I kinda get what she's attempting. Maybe high school age kids would More interest in civics etc. I guess the older you get the more cynical. I would probably say raise the voting age to when you have more skin in the game.

Discuss. But let's keep it on topic and not sarcastic. I really would like to see some good serious civil discussion on this.

Let's try.
I see her point to a certain degree....however I disagree with what she thinks the out come would be....which is a 16 year old that is more engaged in the civic responsibility of voting...and what it means and how important it is. I don't believe a 16 year today (well most of them) has any notion of the voting process and the importance except from what they see on TV....and they would not see the importance.
I got one better, sure to get the thread locked....If you receive any gov't benefits of any kind, you don't get to vote. Can't say it's racist or gender or political based, because it would apply to everyone regardless of your skin color, who you pray to, or if you're a boy or girl or Republican or Democrat. Do not give people who depend on gov't handouts the opportunity to keep voting for the handouts (and both sides get them, so this isn't a flame and I'm a registered independent so I ain't shooting at any one side). I wouldn't make it cold turkey, phase this in. You can bet people would vote for what's best for the country at that point, and hopefully make better choices in their personal lives. Notice I didn't suggest taking the benefits away, just your ability to keep voting for them.
Do you know how many adults voted for Clinton and Obama because they thought they were cool? They had no clue what their policies were. Let’s not compound the problem by letting 16-year-old vote. 16-year-old kids would vote for Justin Bieber, and not even care that he was Canadian. I’d rather raise the voting age to 30 and make everyone pass an IQ test.
I got one better, sure to get the thread locked....If you receive any gov't benefits of any kind, you don't get to vote. Can't say it's racist or gender or political based, because it would apply to everyone regardless of your skin color, who you pray to, or if you're a boy or girl or Republican or Democrat. Do not give people who depend on gov't handouts the opportunity to keep voting for the handouts (and both sides get them, so this isn't a flame and I'm a registered independent so I ain't shooting at any one side). I wouldn't make it cold turkey, phase this in over a 20 year period, so the current generation and people receiving them aren't left to do without, but at the end of 20 years if you still choose to make poor choices, you own 'em. You can bet people would vote for what's best for the country at that point, and hopefully make better choices in their personal lives. Notice I didn't suggest taking the benefits away, just your ability to keep voting for them.
Would you count Social Security as a government benefit?
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I know. IF you have to ask if it's ok, then you probably already know the answer.

A Nebraska state legislator wants to offer up a constitutional amendment to lower the voting age to 16.


I kinda get what she's attempting. Maybe high school age kids would More interest in civics etc. I guess the older you get the more cynical. I would probably say raise the voting age to when you have more skin in the game.

Discuss. But let's keep it on topic and not sarcastic. I really would like to see some good serious civil discussion on this.

Let's try.
Nope, 16 year olds don't even know what is best for themselves. Let alone what is best for the country.
Interesting concept. You would have to be very specific because everyone through the state receiving Fed funding indirectly receives fed benefits.

There is a stat out there somewhere that I am sure somebody can find for us . How much does Nebraska receive in direct and indirect Fed money vs what Nebraskans pay to the feds in taxes and fees.
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Raise the voting age and ensure people voting have some stake in this country. Like owning property, paying taxes, or working. How is that for get off my lawn and start the flames going?
Like school bond issues. Everybody in the school district gets to vote on it but the minority get the bill for it.
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Okay, because I'm sure some would. I agree with you that under your proposal, Social Security wouldn't be a disqualifier, but I'm sure others wouldn't agree and there would be quite a bit of grey area on which programs should and shouldn't count as a government benefit. Even if it is a unilateral policy, when it is established, it will inherently impact certain demographics (be it socioeconomic, racial, etc.) more significantly than others. But, at the same time, it may motivate some people to get off the benefits.

I get what you're saying where people gaining from a benefit shouldn't necessarily be voting to keep (or increase) that benefit. Kind of like members of Congress not being allowed to raise their salaries (it doesn't go into effect until the next session).
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Yes it should be 16 and if you are of voting age during a presidential election you are then going to take an "election" class where you research the candidates and decide who you want to vote (or if you want to vote) and you get to vote there in school.
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Make people under 18 pass a civics/american gov't test when registering to vote. If they can, they are more qualified than many, many voters, so I'd have zero problem letting them vote.
Perhaps something similar to the exam people have to take to become naturalized citizens?

Also, didn't one of the amendments eliminate poll tests ("literacy tests" I think they were called)?
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I teach History in CO and we talk about politics throughout the year. My sophomores this year were a mixed bag of kids who thought they had enough knowledge to make informed decisions and others not. I would actually lean towards most actually do (14-16 year olds) only because I teach them and push them to think about current issues from both sides. I get a lot of flack for not following the curriculum and not always teaching the content that is expected, but they are incredible things to talk about with kids.

We dove into the topic of voting rights and immigration not too long ago and a few of my kids came up with the idea that in order to be able to vote, you had to pass the same citizenship test AND a current events-type of test. I thought it was an interesting idea since, as one of you said, "you need to have some stake in this country," I can name plenty of "citizens" who have the right to vote who don't know squat about politics, what people are promising or what is going on in the rest of society and still vote. On the reverse, I know many students and parents who are incredibly informed, but have not the ability to vote. People take politics for granted some times and yet, as citizens, that power is handed to them. I just thought it was an interesting thought so people can have "some stake in this country" more so than just being born here.
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Make people under 18 pass a civics/american gov't test when registering to vote. If they can, they are more qualified than many, many voters, so I'd have zero problem letting them vote.
Have you seen a sample citizenship test? Those things are/can be a little challenging. In the day of State education standards, I would like to see that given as part of the testing process. IF you pass you can register to vote. Don't care what party but at least you have proven you have basic knowledge of what makes our country tick
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I teach History in CO and we talk about politics throughout the year. My sophomores this year were a mixed bag of kids who thought they had enough knowledge to make informed decisions and others not. I would actually lean towards most actually do (14-16 year olds) only because I teach them and push them to think about current issues from both sides. I get a lot of flack for not following the curriculum and not always teaching the content that is expected, but they are incredible things to talk about with kids.

We dove into the topic of voting rights and immigration not too long ago and a few of my kids came up with the idea that in order to be able to vote, you had to pass the same citizenship test AND a current events-type of test. I thought it was an interesting idea since, as one of you said, "you need to have some stake in this country," I can name plenty of "citizens" who have the right to vote who don't know squat about politics, what people are promising or what is going on in the rest of society and still vote. On the reverse, I know many students and parents who are incredibly informed, but have not the ability to vote. People take politics for granted some times and yet, as citizens, that power is handed to them. I just thought it was an interesting thought so people can have "some stake in this country" more so than just being born here.
"On the reverse, I know many students and parents whoare incredibly informed, but have not the ability to vote."

Could you expand on this. Thanks
I got one better, sure to get the thread locked....If you receive any gov't benefits of any kind, you don't get to vote. Can't say it's racist or gender or political based, because it would apply to everyone regardless of your skin color, who you pray to, or if you're a boy or girl or Republican or Democrat. Do not give people who depend on gov't handouts the opportunity to keep voting for the handouts (and both sides get them, so this isn't a flame and I'm a registered independent so I ain't shooting at any one side). I wouldn't make it cold turkey, phase this in. You can bet people would vote for what's best for the country at that point, and hopefully make better choices in their personal lives. Notice I didn't suggest taking the benefits away, just your ability to keep voting for them.

No. Voting is a RIGHT. Just because someone struggles to make ends meet and needs a little assistance doesnt mean their voice shouldn't be heard. That's discrimination. If you're a legal American citizen and not convicted of a felony, no one should be able to stop you from voting..... that's YOUR right.

As far as lowering to 16? That's something that could be looked in to. My daughter is 16. She and alot of her friends are very involved in the political process and are a lot smarter about it than I and my friends were at that age.
Should there be an upper age where people lose their right to vote?

A 14 year old has at least as much at stake in elections than an 80 year old - maybe more.

If people at one extreme of age are allowed to vote then those on the other extreme should as well
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I believe the original story I read said it would only apply to local and state elections. Why? If 16 year olds should be allowed to vote, why not everything? I really don't think most pay attention, anyway. I vote no.
"On the reverse, I know many students and parents whoare incredibly informed, but have not the ability to vote."

Could you expand on this. Thanks

Well, students, obviously under 18, but some students and parents are not here legally, some are refugees, some asylum and some permanent residency. I work at one of the few truly diverse and inclusive schools in the state.
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Someday we will get to vote online/phones...the amount of votes will be insane...sadly there will be some dorks that try hacking.
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