OT: Measles info.

repeating that doesn't make it so. Kids will die unnecessarily from this. Forget the occasional death. How many kids do you want to suffer permanent brain or other organ damage from this? Blindness okay by you?
No, but more will be injured by vaccines than measles. This is ridiculous. You realize vaccines kill people. How many more people do you want to die? Is that okay by you?

One kid. We don’t even know the whole story. And you’re on a crusade to try and rewrite the ****ing measles as some horrible disease. It never was. And never will be. Maybe you’re thinking of the small pox?
Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
1 in 1000? Good Lord. Nothing like a kid on a ventilator ending up with permanent nerve damage right? Never mind the ones who died. I hope you don't have kids.
1 in 1000? Good Lord. Nothing like a kid on a ventilator ending up with permanent nerve damage right? Never mind the ones who died. I hope you don't have kids.
Let me ask you this: are you for mandatory vaccinations of children and against all exemptions (medical, religious, conscience)?
I'll give you the Covid crap. The vaccine was in fact a necessary evil for seasoned citizens and people with other underlying issues and I give Trump credit for getting one TO ME so quickly so I could resume a normal life. Kids? No freaking way. Some will recall that I advocated for Covid parties for college students to just get it over with. Mandating vaccine for government employees was insane ESPECIALLY for the military. The lockdowns and school closures were ridiculous. What we found in our area was that NONE of the teachers got sick from COVID. The theory is that they were previously constantly exposed to multiple Corona viruses in schools and had at least some degree of cross protection to COVID 19. They would test positive and have to sit out for 10 days but not get ill. Fauci is a criminal. That's a different situation completely and unfortunately the politicization of that virus by the left has probably destroyed public trust for decades.
This we agree on.
straight from a dr who talks to bobbie on an ongoing basis.
Sorry. It would have to come from your brother-in-law for me to believe it..... I appreciate the drive for transparency from "bobbie", but not everything can be cured or prevented by eating more fruits and vegetables.
Let me ask you this: are you for mandatory vaccinations of children and against all exemptions (medical, religious, conscience)?
for kids attending public schools I am for mandatory MMR vaccines. You can homeschool or send your kids to private schools if you don't want them vaccinated. It's ridiculous for a parent to refuse to vaccinate their kids. For God's sake, who wants their kids to get mumps and be sterile or measles and potentially have permanent organ damage? It's a real risk WAY WAY more common than vaccine reactions causing permanent damage. Statistically it isn't even close.
for kids attending public schools I am for mandatory MMR vaccines. You can homeschool or send your kids to private schools if you don't want them vaccinated. It's ridiculous for a parent to refuse to vaccinate their kids. For God's sake, who wants their kids to get mumps and be sterile or measles and potentially have permanent organ damage? It's a real risk WAY WAY more common than vaccine reactions causing permanent damage. Statistically it isn't even close.
Yeah, as a parent with two vaccine injured kids, up yours. And I'm sure I speak for the hundreds of thousands of parents who have suffered through the same. The he MMR vaccine has injured more kids in the US then the actual virus has. It is one of the most reported for vaccine injury along with DTAP. And as for polio, a large percentage have been vaccine induced polio.

If these vaccines are so effective, why do kids who have been vaccinated have anything to worry about? And what gives you the right to tell anyone else what they have to inject into their kids regardless of their lived experience and research? Did you look at the link I posted showing that the former head of the CDC didn't even know that the period of observation for the Hep B shot given to newborn babies is only 5 days? Even he said he wouldn't agree that was adequate but that the vaccine approval board is powerful. All bought off by Big Pharma, no doubt. And regardless of all the baloney that there has been rigourous safety trials on vaccines, none of them have been subjected to double blind placebo trials and there's a ton of issues with the studies that have been done. And there have been no studies about how these vaccines that are often given at the same time interact with each other.

I'm willing to bet money that this latest outbreak will be like all the recent outbreaks in the US and that's much ado about nothing. I trust the doctor who has been reporting to RFKJr way more than I trust the doctor of the kid who passed away. He actually is risking something and doesn't benefit from telling the truth.
Rather have 1 out of 1000 kids having a bad reaction to polio than 1/36 chance they get autism. Other studies have shown being exposed to diseases like polio that we used to get lowered the chance of having cancers in adults. The immune system gets stronger the more it's used. Kids don't need aluminum adjuncts/mercury/formaldehyde injected into them.
Just FYI, your M.D. from Facebook Medical University doesn't count. Can't wait to see you point to peer reviewed studies that say that. I expect to be waiting a very, very, very long time.
for kids attending public schools I am for mandatory MMR vaccines. You can homeschool or send your kids to private schools if you don't want them vaccinated. It's ridiculous for a parent to refuse to vaccinate their kids. For God's sake, who wants their kids to get mumps and be sterile or measles and potentially have permanent organ damage? It's a real risk WAY WAY more common than vaccine reactions causing permanent damage. Statistically it isn't even close.
mandatory anything is unconstitutional & dogmatic
Just FYI, your M.D. from Facebook Medical University doesn't count. Can't wait to see you point to peer reviewed studies that say that. I expect to be waiting a very, very, very long time.
I can’t wait till they blow up the peer reviewed fraud. The non-thinking authority lovers will have their dogma shredded to pieces.

Guess who funds the college texts for medicine?
mandatory anything is unconstitutional & dogmatic
I’m trained in epidemiology. You don’t HAVE to send your kids to public schools so it isn’t really mandatory. Wait until all of the TB cases roll in over the next decade from all of the illegal immigrants flooding our schools. That’s a fun one kids. We’ve already had multiple cases in a school in my area.
I’m trained in epidemiology. You don’t HAVE to send your kids to public schools so it isn’t really mandatory. Wait until all of the TB cases roll in over the next decade from all of the illegal immigrants flooding our schools. That’s a fun one kids. We’ve already had multiple cases in a school in my area.
Ah, my sister is a doctor. She spreads the same fear porn as you. Nearly verbatim. She loves her vaccines.

What’s the common theme? You’re both brilliant or youre both brain washed?

Why don’t you tackle the 20k Amish folks that live in my area and why they’re seemingly fine without all the jabs? Are they scientific marvels or are you pushing snake oil? Have you considered that everything you’ve learned is funded by pharmaceutical companies? Have you thought out what incentive they have to teach you what they have?
I can’t wait till they blow up the peer reviewed fraud. The non-thinking authority lovers will have their dogma shredded to pieces.

Guess who funds the college texts for medicine?
You’re foolish. I wish you actually knew people who survived polio. Most of them had shortened lives but there are a few left. My wife’s cardiologist friend spent months in an iron lung. Back then it wasn’t just peer reviewed articles. It was gymnasium sized wards with beds lined up with measles patients or rooms full of iron lungs. Don’t be stupid. Survival of the fittest is a great concept for wild animals. Not so much for your kids.
Ah, my sister is a doctor. She spreads the same fear porn as you. Nearly verbatim. She loves her vaccines.

What’s the common theme? You’re both brilliant or your both brain washed?

Why don’t you tackle the 20k Amish folks that live in my area and why they’re seemingly fine without all the jabs? Are they scientific marvels or are you pushing snake oil? Have you considered that everything you’ve learned is funded by pharmaceutical companies? Have you thought out what incentive they have to teach you what they have?
I live near several Mennonite colonies. My wife had dozens of Mennonite patients. There kids are extremely isolated from outsiders. Quite the way to go through life but they still have disease outbreaks in the colonies. When they do, it’s very bad.
You’re foolish. I wish you actually knew people who survived polio. Most of them had shortened lives but there are a few left. My wife’s cardiologist friend spent months in an iron lung. Back then it wasn’t just peer reviewed articles. It was gymnasium sized wards with beds lined up with measles patients or rooms full of iron lungs. Don’t be stupid. Survival of the fittest is a great concept for wild animals. Not so much for your kids.
Polio is caused by poop. Polio was eradicated far before the vaccine program. Modern sanitation. You have to really look for this information since everything on the internet is biased to the pharmaceutical companies.

The measles were never scary. Ever. You’re simply rewriting history. Every kid got the measles in my parents era and when I was a kid everyone got the chicken pox.

You’re fear driven. Have you considered the faults in that line of thought?

And the Amish medical marvels? Care to touch on that? Why aren’t they lining hospitals? They’re fine. They don’t even go to traditional doctors. They take the holistic alternatives.
I live near several Mennonite colonies. My wife had dozens of Mennonite patients. There kids are extremely isolated from outsiders. Quite the way to go through life but they still have disease outbreaks in the colonies. When they do, it’s very bad.
Lie. They’re fine. They were fine during Covid. They’re fine altogether. I live amongst them and they have businesses that are not isolated from anyone. You’re simply making shit up to suit your agenda and that’s not a good look. They walk amongst us. They’re not isolated. They just don’t use electricity nor do they eat garbage food.
Polio is caused by poop. Polio was eradicated far before the vaccine program. Modern sanitation. You have to really look for this information since everything on the internet is biased to the pharmaceutical companies.

The measles were never scary. Ever. You’re simply rewriting history. Every kid got the measles in my parents era and when I was a kid everyone got the chicken pox.

You’re fear driven. Have you considered the faults in that line of thought?

And the Amish medical marvels? Care to touch on that? Why aren’t they lining hospitals? They’re fine. They don’t even go to traditional doctors. They take the holistic alternatives.
Mennonites and Amish often die at home. You would be surprised by how many seek out medical care. I know a pediatrician who used to go out and spend days at a time living at colonies and seeing patients.
Jenny McCarthy , noted expert in physiology and virology, has assured me that vaccines are driving autism rates.

The brady bunch assured me measles are no big deal

Mennonites and Amish often die at home. You would be surprised by how many seek out medical care. I know a pediatrician who used to go out and spend days at a time living at colonies and seeing patients.
So what?

They’re thriving. Totally the opposite of what you’re claiming.

They called Covid the “television disease”
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I’m trained in epidemiology. You don’t HAVE to send your kids to public schools so it isn’t really mandatory. Wait until all of the TB cases roll in over the next decade from all of the illegal immigrants flooding our schools. That’s a fun one kids. We’ve already had multiple cases in a school in my area.
Any school I've been a part of had a "religous" exemption as well. It was never truly mandatory in most, if not all schools.
I never knew my 7 year old sister who contracted polio before the vaccines were developed in the 1950s. But the good news is she was not autistic when her lungs failed her a few days after she contracted the virus.

My older brother contracted COVID in 2020 before vaccines were available. His asthmatic lungs didn’t survive it, but unlike my older sister, he did have a fairly long life — so there’s that.

I have actually learned to not get too fired up about vaccine debates even though my family history suggests I probably should. There will always be debates about science and some of the posts from one person in this thread are good examples of why it is pointless to worry about the anti-science crowd.

However, as a dual citizen of Canada, my opinion doesn’t really matter much here in the USA, anyway. 😆
You’re actually anti science - you understand that? Having a dogmatic view such as siding with vaccines makes you pro science is sad. And the covid vaccine was at best worthless. I don’t know anyone who didn’t get vaccinated that dropped dead from covid. Nobody. Watching tv propaganda death counts is very scientific. You’re absolutely correct about one thing. These debates are pointless. There’s people that can actually think and formulate their own opinions and there’s the tribe that feel pride in saying they’re pro science because of their stance on vaccines.

Your vaccine science is funded by the vaccine makers. Anyone stupid enough to follow that science are extremely gullible and not to be taken seriously.
You’re actually anti science - you understand that? Having a dogmatic view such as siding with vaccines makes you pro science is sad. And the covid vaccine was at best worthless. I don’t know anyone who didn’t get vaccinated that dropped dead from covid. Nobody. Watching tv propaganda death counts is very scientific. You’re absolutely correct about one thing. These debates are pointless. There’s people that can actually think and formulate their own opinions and there’s the tribe that feel pride in saying they’re pro science because of their stance on vaccines.

Your vaccine science is funded by the vaccine makers. Anyone stupid enough to follow that science are extremely gullible and not to be taken seriously.
Are you claiming the polio vaccine didn't work?
I will never forget nor forgive the BS that was forced on folks during COVID and all you Pukes who supported it! I see from this thread that there's a bunch of you still out there who would force these poisons... the shit that has come out and is still coming out as a result of the Vax is scary alarming, by all means go suck on another needle... Yes, I'm salty! I want Accountability with Severe and Harsh Punishment for all involved with COVID!
Yeah, as a parent with two vaccine injured kids, up yours. And I'm sure I speak for the hundreds of thousands of parents who have suffered through the same. The he MMR vaccine has injured more kids in the US then the actual virus has. It is one of the most reported for vaccine injury along with DTAP. And as for polio, a large percentage have been vaccine induced polio.

If these vaccines are so effective, why do kids who have been vaccinated have anything to worry about? And what gives you the right to tell anyone else what they have to inject into their kids regardless of their lived experience and research? Did you look at the link I posted showing that the former head of the CDC didn't even know that the period of observation for the Hep B shot given to newborn babies is only 5 days? Even he said he wouldn't agree that was adequate but that the vaccine approval board is powerful. All bought off by Big Pharma, no doubt. And regardless of all the baloney that there has been rigourous safety trials on vaccines, none of them have been subjected to double blind placebo trials and there's a ton of issues with the studies that have been done. And there have been no studies about how these vaccines that are often given at the same time interact with each other.

I'm willing to bet money that this latest outbreak will be like all the recent outbreaks in the US and that's much ado about nothing. I trust the doctor who has been reporting to RFKJr way more than I trust the doctor of the kid who passed away. He actually is risking something and doesn't benefit from telling the truth.
vaccine injured kids? How so? If they’re on the spectrum you better look at genetics before you blame vaccine. My dad was on the spectrum. I’m an ADD guy. I have two extremely bright boys with ADD. Autism spectrum disorders are largely inherited and most likely exacerbated by exposure to over stimulation from technology as the brain develops.
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Let's also remind the thread that the SV40 chemical that's linked directly to cancers was in the Polio vaccine that 98 million americans received.

Cancer industry is thriving. Very scary.

Humans were born with great immune systems. Sickness is toxins built up from the environment or long-standing inflammation as well as parasitic infections.

Modern medicine is quackery. This will be revealed in time as all truths are. If you're interested in what I'm saying - research terrain theory. If not, carry on and get all the shots you want. Just please stop with the forced vaccination bullshit. It's literally the worst part about you autobots. Trying to force medical procedures on others out of your own fear-based, moronic logic
vaccine injured kids? How so? If they’re on the spectrum you better look at genetics before you blame vaccine. My dad was on the spectrum. I’m an ADD guy. I have two extremely bright boys with ADD. Autism spectrum disorders are largely inherited and most hot be exacerbated by exposure to over stimulation from technology as the brain develops.
you can't be serious... you're really going to turn a blind eye to the explosion of these types of disorders and the correlation to vaccines?
Let's also remind the thread that the SV40 chemical that's linked directly to cancers was in the Polio vaccine that 98 million americans received.

Cancer industry is thriving. Very scary.

Humans were born with great immune systems. Sickness is toxins built up from the environment or long-standing inflammation as well as parasitic infections.

Modern medicine is quackery. This will be revealed in time as all truths are. If you're interested in what I'm saying - research terrain theory. If not, carry on and get all the shots you want. Just please stop with the forced vaccination bullshit. It's literally the worst part about you autobots. Trying to force medical procedures on others out of your own fear-based, moronic logic
This man speaks my language and gets it! ^^^
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I’m trained in epidemiology. You don’t HAVE to send your kids to public schools so it isn’t really mandatory. Wait until all of the TB cases roll in over the next decade from all of the illegal immigrants flooding our schools. That’s a fun one kids. We’ve already had multiple cases in a school in my area.
In northern Kansas they had a outbreak of TB this winter, jmo I think the first measles vaccine was good same as polio and other vaccines that was back in the early 1950’s through the 1970’s I think things changed especially now where most of our medications come from china and I venture to say they put impunities in most a good chance the measles vaccine is made in china. We need to bring bad all manufacturing of medicine to the USA ! Big pharma is making billions by outsourcing the manufacturing to China