
Nebraska Legend
Jun 17, 2001
53 years ago today John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas..

At the time Bud Wilkinson gets permission from brother Bobby Kennedy to play the game on Saturday.... Plenty of other games were canceled including Navy in which JFK was apart of the Naval academy...

May we never forget this tragedy in our History.
Big October next year. Wisky and OSU play in Lincoln, and the last 3600 Kennedy assassination documents will be released.
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Read a pretty fascinating article yesterday that there was compelling evidence showing Oswald was trying to kill Governor Connally all along.
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If I could pick one or two scenario's I'd like to know the whole and real story about, it would be this one, but it would be second to Roswell. If I could only pick one, it would be Roswell, but the JFK assination would be a very close second.
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If I could pick one or two scenario's I'd like to know the whole and real story about, it would be this one, but it would be second to Roswell. If I could only pick one, it would be Roswell, but the JFK assination would be a very close second.
I've poured over many books on both and after awhile it is easy to get spun up by the passion, conviction, and arguments people with conspiracy positions put forth. I know a big deal about Roswell was the redacted Forestall diaries. Then when they were finally declassified, the redacted parts were stuff like Prime Minister so and so had bad breath - no smoking gun. After all my reading and research, I finally decided that 99% of the times you are looking for answers, the simplest answer is probably right. In that regard, I have accepted the lone shooter/weather balloon theories.
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The wink and the smiles on the left of the picture say it all IMO
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Very cool... Had a buddy drive me by when I visited him during the time we played Baylor in the early 2000.

I was at that game in Waco in 2001...Terrible weather day....but the Sun came out in the 4th....And we ran away with it.
53 years ago today John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas..

At the time Bud Wilkinson gets permission from brother Bobby Kennedy to play the game on Saturday.... Plenty of other games were canceled including Navy in which JFK was apart of the Naval academy...

May we never forget this tragedy in our History.
Three great book recommendations on this subject that I've read. Anyone who still believes that LHO was the lone assassin either is ignorant about all the facts in the case or simply is willing to believe anything the MSM will tell them. Not every murder is a conspiracy. However, as I keep saying, there are NO coincidences in life. All you have to do is research the "witnesses" who were there the day it happened and see what's become of them. It's bizarre.
And yes, George HW Bush, former head of the CIA, was in fact in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. People should investigate the Bush's and LBJ before they believe the positive spin on both.

1. Who Really Killed Kennedy?: 50 Years Later: Stunning New Revelations about the JFK Assassination- by Dr. Jerome Corsi
2. Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy- by Jim Marrs
3. JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kenndy- by L. Fletcher Prouty, former CIA operative knowns as "X."

What's always left out regarding Kennedy Assassinations is that RFK's Assassination was a government conspiracy as well. It involved a CIA mind control operation known as "MK Ultra". There is evidence more bullets were fired than what Sirhan Sirhan's gun could hold. If you're intrigued by RFK's assassination, this is a great book I highly recommend.

Who Killed Bobby?
The Unsolved Murder of Robert F. Kennedy - by Shane O'Sullivan
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Three great book recommendations on this subject that I've read. Anyone who still believes that LHO was the lone assassin either is ignorant about all the facts in the case or simply is willing to believe anything the MSM will tell them. Not every murder is a conspiracy. However, as I keep saying, there are NO coincidences in life. All you have to do is research the "witnesses" who were there the day it happened and see what's become of them. It's bizarre.
And yes, George HW Bush, former head of the CIA, was in fact in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1960.
As I said in an earlier post, I read many facts (and many more suppositions, hunches, guesses, etc.) from many points of view over many years and subsequently subscribe to the lone shooter explanation. Ignorance, nor influence from the MSM have zero to do with my opinion.

BTW,I'm not sure what GHW Bush being in Dallas three years earlier has to do with it.
As I said in an earlier post, I read many facts (and many more suppositions, hunches, guesses, etc.) from many points of view over many years and subsequently subscribe to the lone shooter explanation. Ignorance, nor influence from the MSM have zero to do with my opinion.

BTW,I'm not sure what GHW Bush being in Dallas three years earlier has to do with it.
I doubt you've read the books I recommended then because if you had, there is no way you'd arrive at your conclusion that LHO acted alone. Oswald was a patsy.

RE: G HW Bush...I made a typo. it was suppose to be Nov. 22, 1963. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll fix it. With that said, if you don't know about his relevance to the JFK assassination, then you don't know a lot about the entire narrative.

RE: the MSM, you have to understand the historical emphasis they played. IE: Dan Rather was a local Dallas reporter who was on the scene. I could go on and on and on...but I don't have time. Too busy getting my Thanksgiving dinner ready for tomorrow.

You keep thinking that LHO was the long assassin if that works for you. Have a nice Thanksgiving.
for a great read, take on Stephen King's 11-22-1963...must read...

Used to be three things you didn't discuss with your, religion, politics....add all the theories on the assassination...starts a verbal war every time!
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Perhaps we can all read up on this topic when we're detained in a shuttered Texas Walmart, waiting out Barack Obama's third term.
for a great read, take on Stephen King's 11-22-1963...must read...

Used to be three things you didn't discuss with your, religion, politics....add all the theories on the assassination...starts a verbal war every time!

If you're hanging out with people that never discuss sex it's probably because they aren't having any.

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