OT Hurricane Milton

Florida has had 20-ish hurricanes in the last 50 years. So no, it's not increasing. And the most powerful hurricane to hit was 1935. So no they're not increasing in intensity.

And you really have to question the education and intellect of someone who would cherry pick a small timeframe of 50 years and try to pass that off as legit sample to draw a conclusion on the climate.
Scary that he’s a teacher 😮
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It depends on how you pose your question for search results. If you ask for peer reviewed findings or be specific in what you looking for it can be very accurate.
Oh yeah, I know! Trust me, I have worded and reworded questions sooooo many different times! Haha
Right? This is lamest take the climate bros have.

In _________ years __________ will happen.

And of course, nothing happens, so they change it and they freak out about it again.
The best is when they do a 180 and completely go the other way. Ice age to Global warming melting the ice caps back to ice age.
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Not really.

Im waiting on all of you to post your peer reviewed scientific documentation that what we are seeing is not really what we are seeing. That frequency and intensity hasn't increased and that these events across the world are perfectly normal.

Prove that 97% of the scientific community is wrong.

IMO you can argue the how we got here. But arguing that it isn't happening seems really mindboggling.
Milton is decreasing in intensity as well. Doesn't really support the idea that storms are getting stronger.
The idiots are those who are so stupid to not know Weather Modification has been around since the 1930's. Just because your little mind can't wrap around it, doesn't make it less true.
Weather modification caused a catastrophic flood in the Blackhills about 50 years ago. IF I remember right the death toll was over 100. Scratch that. 238 with 5 missing and never found. Wikipedia conveniently omits the FACT that the cause of the torrential rains in the Blackhills was a cloud seeding effort by a government agency. When you wipe all the unsavory facts from your reports you change history so others can't learn from it. Soon everybody who knew the truth of what happened will be dead and gone.
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2010 - zero hurricanes for the entire USA
2011 - 1
2012 - 2
2013 - 0
2014 - 1
2015 - 0

Strongest hurricane was category 2.

Why would climate change do this to us? Why would they grow in frequency and intensity like this?