OT Hurricane Milton

So you don’t believe humans cause climate change, correct?
False equivalence. Climate change is the result of global human activity altering atmospheric conditions over time, not direct weather control. Hurricanes are natural events; climate change intensifies them. Big leap of logic to suggest climate change equals controlling the weather. You're a Floridian—does it look like we’re in control of the weather at the moment?
False equivalence. Climate change is the result of global human activity altering atmospheric conditions over time, not direct weather control. Hurricanes are natural events; climate change intensifies them. Big leap of logic to suggest climate change equals controlling the weather. You're a Floridian—does it look like we’re in control of the weather at the moment?
I remember all the climate activists saying FL would be under water by now hah.

I just think it’s humorous that people who think humans can change the global climate laugh off guys like 1-2-3 .
False equivalence. Climate change is the result of global human activity altering atmospheric conditions over time, not direct weather control. Hurricanes are natural events; climate change intensifies them. Big leap of logic to suggest climate change equals controlling the weather. You're a Floridian—does it look like we’re in control of the weather at the moment?

Do a quick two minute search on Operation Popeye.
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I remember all the climate activists saying FL would be under water by now hah.

I just think it’s humorous that people who think humans can change the global climate laugh off guys like 1-2-3 .
The guy was inferring that the U.S. government sent a government created hurricane to attack Florida. He's a wingnut and is laughed at as such.
I remember all the climate activists saying FL would be under water by now hah.

I just think it’s humorous that people who think humans can change the global climate laugh off guys like 1-2-3 .
My favorite is all the climate alert nutjobs that push their agenda always buy multimillion dollar mansions right on the ocean. Politicians, Bill Gates, Former Presidents. I guess they don't even buy the bullshit they're shoveling. :rolleyes: RollingLaugh
They also tend to emit way more carbon into the atmosphere than any of us troglodytes.
Right. Buy an EV, ride your bike. Turn off your AC. Stop farming. No more cows. Eat bugs. If you need me, I'll be taking my private jet to Davos to fleece more money out of idiots. All while enjoying a steak and lobster meal. Fvcking frauds and hypocrites.
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So I’d really like to know who is in charge of hurricane attacks on Florida and what is the purpose behind it?
Government has been creating hurricanes for centuries. Actually, they were creating them before the U.S. was even a country. It's crazy! Sometimes they even send them up to Jersey to throw people off their scent.
Do a quick two minute search on Operation Popeye.
Why search? Cloud seeding has been around since the 40's. Operation Popeye was a military cloud-seeding effort during the Vietnam War, aimed at extending the monsoon season. Cloud seeding manipulates precipitation by dispersing silver iodide into clouds to encourage rain or snow, but hurricanes are entirely different—massive systems driven by ocean heat and atmospheric dynamics. No technology, including cloud seeding, can generate or control hurricanes.

Isn’t it far more probable that man-made climate change is fueling the increasing frequency and severity of tropical storms than some deep-state actor manipulating hurricanes? Cloud seeding manipulates, it cannot control. Maybe we disagree on control vs manipulation.
13 storms since M is the 13th letter. Not sure if all turned into hurricanes.

A common mistake people make is looking at dollar damage and declare storms are getting stronger.
But they are. And it's really not arguable. One can try to argue the root cause...But there is strong consensus across the board that weather events have intensified and are occurring at a higher rate.

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