OT: Good reads

I have mentioned this book before.

One Second After by William Forstchen

Its amazing. Keep you up at night amazing.

The second and thirds books are just ok. The first one is just amazing.

If you want something a little different , sort of sci fi but not really, look for a book called Einsteins Dreams by Alan Lightman

Thanks again for this recommendation! It was very sobering, when you realize how screwed we could be, this is one I would recommend people read.

A few others that I have read since finishing this one, for anyone interested.

The Outsider by Stephen King, Great book! Looking forward to the series on HBO in January.

The Shining by Stephen King, I read this a little over 20 years ago. But I had to reread it to refresh my memory, when I found out that Dr. Sleep was it’s sequel.

Dr. Sleep by Stephen King, obviously I was going to read this, it’s why I reread The Shining. Thoroughly enjoyed this, hope the movie is as good.

American Predator by Maureen Callahan, this book is about serial killer Israel Keyes. A disturbing, yet fascinating read. He buried kill kits all over the US to be used at later dates.

Old Bones by Preston & Child, this one I would rate the lowest of my recent reads, but it still kept my interest.

There are several books mentioned in this thread that have been added to my waitlist. But until then, I will be reading Intensity by Dean Koontz, while I wait for I’ll Be Gone In The Dark by Michelle McNamara, this one is about the Golden State Killer.
If anyone has a few, I’m always looking for suggestions. Historical Non-fiction, True Crime, World Wars. I haven’t read any Vietnam era stuff but if anyone has any suggestions, I’m interested in reading about the Vietnam War. I read Fiction as well, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thrillers and Mystery/ Suspense.

Red Notice - bill browder. I read it in 2 days. Very good
If anyone has a few, I’m always looking for suggestions. Historical Non-fiction, True Crime, World Wars. I haven’t read any Vietnam era stuff but if anyone has any suggestions, I’m interested in reading about the Vietnam War. I read Fiction as well, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thrillers and Mystery/ Suspense.

Have you read Nelson DeMille? His new one, The Deserter, was just released. I'm enjoying it so far. Also got the new John Grisham book, The Guardians, but haven't started it yet.
Have you read Nelson DeMille? His new one, The Deserter, was just released. I'm enjoying it so far. Also got the new John Grisham book, The Guardians, but haven't started it yet.

I have not, thank you for the recommendation! I just finished, I’ll Be Gone In The Dark by Michelle McNamara and before that Intensity by Dean Koontz. Let me know if The Guardians was a good read.
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Some books I enjoyed reading over the last month.


This one dragged a little in the beginning, but was a fascinating read once it really dove into the conspiracy. It was an interesting look into the beginnings of our country.

And a big shoutout to @Wannabee8 for this recommendation. I just finished this last night, what an incredible read. I highly recommend to anyone who likes World War II stories and even people who don’t normally read these types of books.
Some books I enjoyed reading over the last month.


This one dragged a little in the beginning, but was a fascinating read once it really dove into the conspiracy. It was an interesting look into the beginnings of our country.

And a big shoutout to @Wannabee8 for this recommendation. I just finished this last night, what an incredible read. I highly recommend to anyone who likes World War II stories and even people who don’t normally read these types of books.
Anytime brotha. Glad you liked it. My reading habits the past few months has been very up and down. I'll Be Gone In The Dark certainly sounds interesting. Ill have to look into that one.
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I have mentioned this book before.

One Second After by William Forstchen

Its amazing. Keep you up at night amazing.

The second and thirds books are just ok. The first one is just amazing.

If you want something a little different , sort of sci fi but not really, look for a book called Einsteins Dreams by Alan Lightman

I don't read a lot but I couldn't put this book down. It ended up not being a good book for me to read at night because I would sit up for for a couple hours just thinking about it.
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I haven’t read any Vietnam era stuff but if anyone has any suggestions, I’m interested in reading about the Vietnam War.
Since you mentioned the Vietnam War and no one has responded yet, I'll make a few suggestions. First, you might start with a non-book: the multi-part documentary on the Vietnam War produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, which would supply an easily-digested overview of the war. This was produced with the help of an array of historical advisers, including Army officers who taught in the History Department at West Point, academics from various universities, Vietnamese language specialists, West Point grads who served in the war and put their best friends in body bags, anti-war activists, and so on. Then there's a recent book by Max Hastings, "Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy, 1945-1975" that is 896 pages long and will flesh out the Burns/Novick documentary. Depending on how interested you really are in the war, you might tackle some of the more specialized literature. I would recommend to every American the book by Lien-Hang T. Nuyen titled "Hanoi's War," which shows how unimportant Ho Chi Minh was (except as a figurehead) and how important Le Duan and Le Duc Tho were in the war effort. You can also become specialized in what you read. For example: on the air war in Vietnam, you can't beat Mark Clodfelter's "The Limits of Air Power." Ron Spector's "After Tet," still holds up remarkably well as it recounts the bloodiest year of the war. Meredith H. Lair's "Armed with Abundance" shows how the over-abundance of American logistical support was often a hindrance rather than a help. And there's so very, VERY much more!
I read a lot of history books. Probably 15 - 20 a year.

I'll second Manhunt, Unbroken, and Empire of the summer moon. Undaunted Courage and Crazy Horse & Custer are great.

here's some other recommendations:

Into Africa - exploration of Africa.

Oregon Trail by Rinker Buck is absolutely fantastic.

Never in finer company - WWI

In the heart of the sea

Destiny of the republic

One summer by Bill Bryson is great

Hellhound on his trail - MLK assassination

last stand of Fox company - Korea

crow killer - what Jeremiah Johnson movie is based on.

Judy - About an English pointer in WWII who was a POW
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I have not, thank you for the recommendation! I just finished, I’ll Be Gone In The Dark by Michelle McNamara and before that Intensity by Dean Koontz. Let me know if The Guardians was a good read.

Will put the Golden State murders and the USS Indianapolis books on my list. The Guardians was good, but predictable. If you want to read a DeMille book, Plum Island is my favorite.
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Erik Larson is a phenomenal writer, The Devil In The White City, In The Garden Of Beasts, Thunderstruck and Dead Wake as you mentioned. I highly recommend that anyone who hasn’t read his books should check him out, he does not disappoint. As for the others you list, there looks like a lot of good reads in there and I will add them to my list. Thanks!

I promise I am signing off now, going to dive into this book I just received and see what it is all about. Goodnight fellow Cornhuskers and happy reading. GBR!
Spot on with Larson...what a great author!!! Also loved Killer of the Harvest Moon so much that I drove my wife SPECIFICALLY to Pawhuska so she could do Pioneer Woman stuff while I visited the book sites.

BUT my favorite book of all time(except the Bible) was 11-22-63...Stephen King's EPIC alternative history about the JFK good.

Anything by Jay Winik and David Pietruzka is worth reading...

SEE We ARE literate!!!!!:)
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BUT my favorite book of all time(except the Bible) was 11-22-63...Stephen King's EPIC alternative history about the JFK good.
Definitely in my top 10, maybe top 5. It's the book I always recommend to anyone who says, "I don't read horror and would never read Stephen King".

I just finished "The Painter" by Peter Heller. Not bad at all.

My contribution to the Vietnam topic is "Chickenhawk" by Robert Mason. Chronicles the author's experiences as a Huey pilot in the air cavalry. Those guys flew into hell.
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