OT - Former Nebraskan and Omaha Central FB player helping lead anti-racism protests at Mizzou

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I just want to know this racism is that doesnt allow black people to take their life in their own hands.

I keep avoiding it somehow, even though I'm told it's everywhere.

Being an ancestor of American slave is a proud thing for me. I take advantage of the sacrifices they made so black people now can live as they CHOOSE.
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It pains me to see so many people who would rather believe that racism is more likely to be faked by black people than to be real. It's an uncomfortable thing to admit sometimes, I get it. But it's real, and it's prevalent, and the more people who stand up against it, the better.
I for one never said its fake racism is real and ever since God made man racism has existed. But the claims of an image on the wall of a bathroom is being called a hoax already. As in it didn't happen. Shoot they said the KKK was on campus that was a hoax too. What to believe.
I just want to know this racism is that doesnt allow black people to take their life in their own hands.

I keep avoiding it somehow, even though I'm told it's everywhere.

Being an ancestor of American slave is a proud thing for me. I take advantage of the sacrifices they made so black people now can live as they CHOOSE.

Thumbs up. I'm a descendant of someone who died fighting for the North so this nation could have a better future. It's heaven living in a time where I am called a racist because my skin is pink. And then I get the hate-speech label if I won't apologize for being white. I keep tellin dem crackers I'm PINK not white!
White people don't care about the color of your skin nearly as much as angry people yelling "racism" think. Recently, because of the Ferguson lie that set the town ablaze and the MU prez that just lost his job over a phony claim, sometimes it looks to outsiders that black people are the ones keeping this issue alive. Two instances that appear to be totally false, that destroyed a lot of lives, just set back race relations years in those two communities. Both of those incidents were racist incidents, and it looks like black on white racism as it stands right now. New facts could emerge to change my view, but right now, I'd like to hear some black people condemn other black people when their false accusations have explosive ramifications. Then I'll start taking it more seriously, because to many times recently it has turned out to be the exact opposite oh what we initially hear.
Its not my perception. It is the perception of my white priviledge. Since I am more priviledged than all blacks, simply by being white, then they are all mooching off me. Every single one of them. That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it. Thank you for proving my point. Just because I am white, I am racist, and I am priviledged. What a load of crap.

I can't tell if you really don't understand the concept of white privilege (note the spelling) or if you are merely failing at being sarcastic.
Personally I am gratified to see a growing number of black (actually all colors/genders) conservatives and black independents who have chosen not to live on the Sharpton-Obama dependence plantation. IMO the real racism that is rocking our nation is self-hating whites who hate other whites simply for being born white.

I can't tell if you really don't understand the concept of white privilege (note the spelling) or if you are merely failing at being sarcastic.
I'm just a priviledged white guy. Why the hell would I learn to spell correctly? Now excuse me while I go swim in my money vault (whites only admitted)
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