This will continue as long as minority voters in Chicago proper continue to vote in officials who enable this shit. I really hate to say it but that old adage is true......people get the government they deserve.
Uh, how do you get back down?
Uh, how do you get back down?
We did not have this discussion
We did not have this discussion
Sorry my friend!if you own this game, we should play this. you'll have to invite, your settings don't allow me to message you 😐.
Such a F***ING asshat
Hopefully that was a skit. ;/
Can I just say, there are few things more annoying than an entire crowd recording an event with their phone.
Can I just say, there are few things more annoying than an entire crowd recording an event with their phone.
How often does anyone go back and actually take the time to watch recordings? Can people not have actual memories … in their mind anymore?