OT: Electric cars in a hurricane/flood situation

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Well I definitely don’t have any use for that
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It isn't true. People that hunt wouldn't own an EV because they would know it isn't compatible with rural driving. Therefore they wouldn't rent an EV, even if one were available, which at first glance doesn't even seem like they are available in Sioux Falls. Small town story telling at it's finest. In ND they probably change the story to ducks and say they flew into Fargo. In Montana they probably change it to Elk and say Bozeman.
Hertz is sold off a ton of their EV fleet and moved the remainder to locations with better charger access.
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Airport construction is supplemented by federal dollars. TSA and air traffic controllers and their systems are paid for with federal dollars.
And in Nebraska anyway, airports get a lot of support from property taxes. I suppose Nebraska would be limited to just Omaha for airports if it weren't for subsidies.
I think anybody who parks an electric car in their garage is nuts.

I was in zero danger of buying one, but after having lived thru a house fire, you can bet your life there will be zero EV anything anywhere near my house. If we get a visitor who drives one over, they can park in the gawd damn street.
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I was in zero danger of buying one, but after having lived thru a house fire, you can bet your life there will be zero EV anything anywhere near my house. If we get a visitor who drives one over, they can park in the gawd damn street.
Living life based in irrational fear is no fun. be fair I know gassers catch fire to. I won't pretend they don't, but without checking the stats I feel like a lot less do, and for almost no good reason.
You're right on this one. ICE cars have more fires by large, but I'm guessing the whole EV critique in this regard is due to a "per capita" effect or something.
Argue with the scientists lol though that would be funny to see in person.

What happens then as the reef and algae die off from acidification?

Again, CO2 does not kill algae. Along with water and sunlight, CO2 is algae’s only food source. Furthermore, the Coral Reef gets 70% of the nutrients it needs to survive from Zooxanthellae, a microscopic algae that live inside the tissues of coral polyps. The diminished numbers of aquatic plants is not a byproduct of CO2 saturation in oceanic waters, CO2 saturation is a byproduct of diminished aquatic plant life. The real problem is the polluting of our oceans. Maybe you simps on the left should stop babbling about greenhouse gases and telling everyone they should drive EV’s and hold the countries that continue to pollute the ocean's accountable. The Paris Agreement was an empty gesture, most those countries signed it and then continue to pollute at will.
Full on nuts half for being a sheeple and half for parking the sheeple in the carport.
So I am the sheeple or the car is the sheeple? It's confusing, but I should get to the bottom of this. If I own a diesel vehicle, will that undo some of my sheepleness?
Not to mention all the birds they kill.
I have solar panels on my house. The stupid pigeons go under them and a couple have died. It's a pain getting those dumb things off the roof.
Seriously though, it's the height of stupidity to insist of putting all of our energy needs onto the grid as the Democrats want. Fossil fuels do provide immediate and reliable energy to move us and heat us and cook our food and fossil fuels don't fail when there is an ice storm or an EMP attack from a hostile power.
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Again, CO2 does not kill algae. Along with water and sunlight, CO2 is algae’s only food source. Furthermore, the Coral Reef gets 70% of the nutrients it needs to survive from Zooxanthellae, a microscopic algae that live inside the tissues of coral polyps. The diminished numbers of aquatic plants is not a byproduct of CO2 saturation in oceanic waters, CO2 saturation is a byproduct of diminished aquatic plant life. The real problem is the polluting of our oceans. Maybe you simps on the left should stop babbling about greenhouse gases and telling everyone they should drive EV’s and hold the countries that continue to pollute the ocean's accountable. The Paris Agreement was an empty gesture, most those countries signed it and then continue to pollute at will.
Exactly. 98% of the countries signed it in the expectation of receiving free money from other nations with zero obligations to do anything. Why do we care that China or India signed an accord when 90% of their power is from coal burning plants and they will never force their citizens to rely on electric vehicles?
We still have tons of places in the world with no internet, with no indoor plumbing with no schools....

But the important thing is that I can plug my car in instead of using gas.
can't link the article because i'm to lazy to go re find it, but if its true we practically lead the civilized world with our CO2 output (15% in total is what I read), harmful everything/greenhouse gas emissions..basically all the terrible shit everyone pollutes the earth with....and that if we cut it even further to say, would have the same effect on world pollution, zero, because that's how far down the totem pole we are when it come to this issue...and the irony is, we are enriching terrible countries that DGAF about ppolluting the enviroment by buying the shit they rape the earth to make the damn things...again, if you have one more power to ya, i ain't suggesting they should be outlawed, i just don't understand the logic behind the line of thinking you are saving the planet or why you want to enrich china the more i read about it
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