OT: Electric cars in a hurricane/flood situation

Kinda like wind towers..... Nobody seems to realize how man hundreds of gallons of oil wind towers use to lubricate their turbines let alone building them, transporting them, erecting them and maintaining them. Yeah those power lines to those towers don't take any energy to manufacture and build either.....
They use a very small amount of oil compared to the electricity produced. I'm sure you'll write off solar with some red herring as well, but solar is growing the fastest any power source ever has. With solar, EV's, and electric heat pumps, we will build a future of clean energy abundance. And good old fashioned capitalism will be pushing these technologies ahead and their widespread diffusion into society more than anything.
Good EVs are sealed against water so they're no more vulnerable than gas powered cars. The biggest issue obviously is if you're without electricity to recharge them so you need to have them fully charge prior to storm.
How are "good EVs" sealed against water when they are air cooled inside of a car body?
They use a very small amount of oil compared to the electricity produced. I'm sure you'll write off solar with some red herring as well, but solar is growing the fastest any power source ever has. With solar, EV's, and electric heat pumps, we will build a future of clean energy abundance. And good old fashioned capitalism will be pushing these technologies ahead and their widespread diffusion into society more than anything.
Do some research on the resources required to produce fiberglass that is a large percentage of a wind tower structure and blades. If they are the future then why are they not up all over Chicago (The Windy City), and the other Great Lakes cities?
Oh, but they look so pretty in the farmland. Twenty wind towers on The Miracle Mile would be ugly, besides there would also be a security issue protecting them from non-existent crime in Metro areas.
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...if people own/drive one because they think they are better on the environment I would suggest they are clueless on the amount of materials you have to rape the earth to make it, and maybe don't realize how long you have to drive one to even crack even on that issue. If you own one because they are faster than shit and a blast to drive, I get that. I personally think most people feel like they are saving the earth though.

Plus the upfront cost and adding a station in your garage is ridiculous..and cities cannot meet the demand...but like I said, go for it. Hell I'm sure what I drive wouldn't appeal to most people...18 y/o Honda Ridgeline with 130K on it..and I know its the ugliest car/truck/elcamino ever made.
You drive a Ridgeline, but think EV's are gay??!! :)
Do some research on the resources required to produce fiberglass that is a large percentage of a wind tower structure and blades. If they are the future then why are they not up all over Chicago (The Windy City), and the other Great Lakes cities?
Oh, but they look so pretty in the farmland. Twenty wind towers on The Miracle Mile would be ugly, besides there would also be a security issue protecting them from non-existent crime in Metro areas.
Not to mention all the birds they kill.
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They use a very small amount of oil compared to the electricity produced. I'm sure you'll write off solar with some red herring as well, but solar is growing the fastest any power source ever has. With solar, EV's, and electric heat pumps, we will build a future of clean energy abundance. And good old fashioned capitalism will be pushing these technologies ahead and their widespread diffusion into society more than anything.
I bet Greta Thunberg would bang you.
I hope so. Kind of got a thing for pigtails.
Chris Hansen GIF
Right now, probably the lack of charging stations.

Then of course, this insane idea that we are going to run out of gas, probably the same time we switch to the metric system.
We aren't running out of oil for generations. Oil might get expensive, but the more expensive it gets the more money oil companies sink into new exploration, drilling, and technology.
Your odds of getting stranded in an EV in an emergency situation are much greater than with a gas powered vehicle. Just about every location has a gas station or somebody with a can of gas.

A group of out of state pheasant hunters rented an EV truck and drove out to central South Dakota….the truck went back to Sioux Falls on a flatbed. Do you think there’s charging stations in rural Georgia or Florida? When my son evacuated from Houston he had to take backroads through rural areas. Every little town had a gas station.
I bet that SD pheasant story changes with every state. How many guys do you know who are big time hunters that drive EV's? Can't you just plug an EV into a regular outlet but it takes longer? Quick search says you can for a Ford Lightning.
I bet that SD pheasant story changes with every state. How many guys do you know who are big time hunters that drive EV's? Can't you just plug an EV into a regular outlet but it takes longer? Quick search says you can for a Ford Lightning.
They were from the east coast.