OT - Can you help a Husker fan out?

Sep 2, 2004
If this is not allowed, I completely understand. Mods please feel free to delete if that is the case. I'm a die hard Husker fan and I know we are notorious for helping our "family" do well with online contests. This particular contest helps ME out, but it could benefit any of you as well. It is for a chance to win a trip to Italy. Every person who signs up at the link is entered for the trip... So, you're helping me, but you're also helping yourself have a chance to go as well! I'm hopeful that since we're in the off season right now, this won't get obliterated! *fingers crossed

I am a photographer in Sioux City and the company that makes the wedding albums I give clients is part of a contest that ends in a week. They are now partners with a well known photographer named Sue Bryce and she is giving away a free trip to Italy to attend her workshop at a castle owned by the album company I use. If you sign up at this link, you will have a chance to win the trip as well. The benefit to me is I get 5 chances for every person who signs up.

So, what say you? Anybody down to help me out and give yourself a chance at this trip as well? You can't use fake e-mails or it will ban you from the contest now and forever, but if you're legit interested, please help a brother out and sign up at my link! Thanks in advance! Here's the link:
Wow, I just realized I haven't posted here in a while.... Looks like all of my past messages have been deleted. I lurk and read a lot, but don't post much (obviously).... Sorry, I'm not just a random person who's never been on this site before.
I think a handful of you have signed up for this. Just wanted to say thank you if you have and good luck to you as well! Also, would it help motivate anybody if I posted sexy yoga pants photos? LOL GBR!
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This will be my last shameless bump I promise! The contest ends in 13 hours! If you'd like to possibly win a trip to Italy OR if you just want to help a fellow Husker fans chances improve, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could sign up at this link! Good luck to you as well if you're just signing up to possibly win the trip! And if you're doing it just to be kind and help me, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Here's the link again.