This too will bust. Consumer debt is higher than it was prior to the last crash in real estate and stocks. Over 60% of the loans / lease of the top 3 most expensive vehicle are sub-prime. It has already hit Colorado hard a track home in Denver Colorado can easily go for over $ 450,000.00 lots f wealth here but unsustainable. Prepare for the next cycle if your old enough you remember 87,92,94,97,2001, 2007, etc.
Not doom and gloom just reality unaffordable lifestyle that will go out to eat and put it on a credit card with no concern of how to pay it off.
nearly 80% of the student loans in default are from students that never completed the degree they borrowed the student loans for. Interesting times.
Good commercial and residential deals will come soon.
Just to add to this, a recession is coming soon. We have propped our economy on stimulus packages instead of sustainable growth. The next 3-6 years we are in for another one. It will be the housing bust all over again.