I was wondering if anyone knows of the best place online to buy a Honda self-propelled lawnmower. Look for the best price with free shipping. Thanks.
This is obviously an encrypted message to one of our bagmen - where he or she is directed to the website mowersdirect.com with the instructions to pay a recruit the going price of a Honda self propelled mower.
Must be a 3*. When we see a link to combinesdirect.com then you will know we are after a big fish.
As long as we're at it, can anyone recommend the cheapest massage complete with a happy ending?
Sure...I will give you my address. Bring 40 dollars.
Oh...shit...you wanted the happy ending? I thought you just wanted the massage and were GIVING the happy ending...Would you take $30? I promise it won't take long.
that goes without saying...For her I'd cough up the whole forty!!!!!
As long as we're at it, can anyone recommend the cheapest massage complete with a happy ending?
As long as we're at it, can anyone recommend the cheapest massage complete with a happy ending?
So 40ml? Is that a lot? Dont get it in her eye, that pisses them off.For her I'd cough up the whole forty!!!!!
As long as we're at it, can anyone recommend the cheapest massage complete with a happy ending?
I was wondering if anyone knows of the best place online to buy a Honda self-propelled lawnmower. Look for the best price with free shipping. Thanks.
As long as we're at it, can anyone recommend the cheapest massage complete with a happy ending?
Ive had Cub, Huskee, Murray and Craftsman. Honda kills them all. Got it at home depot. Thing always starts on one pull even after winter.
word from the massage parlors is that litespeed only requires a single pull as well - his client name is "honda"