Don't go. If it is such a bad move several thousand empty seats should send that message pretty clearly. My guess is that the stadium will be full.
Boycott the concession stands would be effective.
Don't go. If it is such a bad move several thousand empty seats should send that message pretty clearly. My guess is that the stadium will be full.
Looks like they start the last week of augustIs there anyone on here associated with Nebraska High School Football?
As a side note just think what a Friday night game would do to commerce in Nebraska on a Friday. I live in Omaha and I would likely have to leave work at 2:00 to get ready to go and get to my parking space. UNL would pretty much have to cancel classes that day, and city owned parking lots in Lincoln would be a train wreck due to the normal day to day parking that's needed for downtown business then adding the football traffic to that would just be horrendous.
As was pointed out above some of the schools who do not get the attention and attendance that Nebraska has this is probably OK but not for Nebraska. BTW a friend of mine told me earlier this year, "just wait the day is coming when someone is going to want a Sunday game(s) on a network like NBCsN, TBS or the like and the money offered will be enough to give the schools pause on whether or not to say no".
NBC just terminated one station. Was it you are taking about that re-aired Notre Dame games weekly?