
The biggest abomination of Woke garbage played on network tv. Using the excuse of "French art" is moronic gaslighting. There's been talk of getting rid of the Olympics. Good riddance.
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The painting in the Palais de Tokyo in Paris installed for the Olympics of a child with her hands tied behind her back giving oral sex to an adult man is repugnant to me, but I'm an old Boomer so my opinion about art doesn't count because I'm old fashioned and can't really appreciate "modern art". So I guess since I'm "offended" it makes this "art" cool.
I agree with that. To me that painting screams child porn. I guess the French courts bought the argument that it isn't and that it depicts power (large male with small female victims), war crime rape and whatever else. OK fine, but then it's still an obscene painting about rape. And that is art?

I don't get the French. Things like that painting and then depicting something that they had to know closely resembled DiVinci's Last Supper painting in that opening ceremony tableau. It's obviously going to upset people. I always thought the Olympics were about bringing people together.