Okay, so who's the would-be “wow hire” to replace Frank Solich that got cold feet?

IMO, Cosgrove as DC was the worst mistake ever made by Nebraska. Did you ever meet the man? Total ass from the beginning. Wore Wisconsin sweats in the coaches offices when recruts were in. Never took responsibility for his pathetic D.

Didn't Cos and Elmo at one point claim our corners were too short after getting scorched by Kansas in 07'?
Fair enough and I agree to a point. I know I would fire a direct report if he hatched a scheme that would be sure to piss off the major stakeholders and near founders with the idea that a "wow" hire would get ground swell support to silence the majors only to have his scheme fail. It isn't/wasn't as simple as going back to the drawing board for a do-over.

I know for certain if I knew Pederson was trying to change the contracts of the assistants so he could hatch a wow scheme he'd have been looking for a job that very day.
You know I see this posted all the time that Perlman has much more to do than to pay attention to who coaches the football team. In the normal business world this may even be true but not a University. The highest paidf public employee in Nebraska is the football coach, this is true for most states. To think that Perlman is not involved in the decision making is simply not true and if it is he has a real problem. I can see this statement being true for maybe the tennis coach but not the highest paid public employee in the sate
Cos and Elmo
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Just something about Harvey I dont like - after reading that he deflects blame so much, I think that attitude filters down through athletics

Harvey is a rat!!! Biggest liar that the University has ever known! He knows no guilt and thinks or would like to think he rules the world! There is a reason 80% of don't like him and don't trust him!
We might have to agree to disagree on this issue, because I think Perlman's responsibilities went well beyond football. I'll grant that athletics in general could have been one of his top 5 concerns, after things like enrollment, endowment, and research, but I don't think you're ever going to convince me that he should have played anything but an indirect role in hiring and firing coaches, and by that I mean hiring a competent athletic director. I don't think Nebraska football fans appreciate real well that UNL is an academic institution first and foremost. If you want to criticize him for something, criticize him for the university losing its AAU membership on his watch.

Your point about stakes is valid. But if they had this conversation and SP gives him every reassurance he has his man, I don't see how that is Perlman's problem, because, as I am saying, his job is much bigger than making sure SP knows how to do his job.

To make the point another way. If Perlman asks SP, "who you gonna hire to replace Frank?" And SP says: "Dave Wannstedt." And Perlman goes, "who is that, is he any good?" And SP says, "yes, he is currently coaching the Dolphins in the NFL and I have an agreement in principle with him." I think that's a perfectly reasonable exchange, because I don't expect Perlman to know that much about football or have that much of a stake in it.
I would normally agree with you on this issue, but not with Perlman. He doesn't get a pass since he routinely injected hi,self in to sports and football specifically. He definitely had a hand in everything and was a micromanager...did a poor job of it ne as chancellor imo.

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