I read that thread and I guess that's a great example of how two people can read the same thing and get two different conclusions.
What I remember are some posters wondering (myself included) if some players were not fully on board with MR and company, and therefore were not following their orders 100% down to the tee, but when I stated it I meant they were still trying to win, they were just trying to win their way because they didn't believe in the coaching staff yet. I really don't remember anyone saying players were trying to intentionally lose games because they were still butt hurt over the coaching change. These is a HUGE difference between ignoring certain play calls and trying to improvise on the fly because you think your way gives you a better chance of winning, and trying to lose games on purpose. If somebody on this board said certain players were trying to lose games on purpose I do not remember it and it would have to be shown to me before I believed it. So I'd say either show me where somebody said it, or quit accusing posters of doing that, because that's a pretty effed up thing to say if not true....and if somebody did say it, and actually meant it, and that it wasn't a joke, I will say "My bad" and never question that statement again.