Odd vs Even front


Aug 12, 2021
What does coach mean by that? 3-4 vs 4-3?

How does that impact your game plan? Can you adjust?
In theory and in simplest form, odd front center is blocking nose guard and guards are looking for MLB. In even front guards blocking dt and center looking for MLB
This is jr high 101 basic terminology and then you throw in picking up or chipping nearest most dangerous defender if you can enroute to your assignment ( especially if lineman shooting gaps).

But most of the linemen were probably all conference and all state. They should know what they're doing and should have seen a lot by the time they're D1
In a nutshell and this is totally simplified. In general odd front usually center is covered. Even front not.

Yes it should be very easy to adjust
I know 30 years ago in high school we practiced against both in fall camp and then adjusted weekly based on the opponent. Keep in mind guys have either played in games at collegiate or HS level against various fronts so its not alien to them.

Frost doesn't play guys like Betts due to lack of consistency, effort and focus at practice yet head man in charge can't adjust or prepare for a different front? I saw a lack of focus and attention to detail on Saturday, but it wasn't from the players.
Posted in another thread, but rewatching all the offensive plays, IL beat our OL with the simplest of simple execution. It was really sad to watch the ineptitude of our OL.
It feels they are lacking greatly in basic fundamentals.
Seems like a great kid, but Piper looked the most confused, then our tackles gave up ground way too easy with LT getting beat early and often.
Missing defenders entirely, couple scheme things that didn’t make sense, etc. It was rough.
Gonna be a long season if they can’t figure that out.
I know 30 years ago in high school we practiced against both in fall camp and then adjusted weekly based on the opponent. Keep in mind guys have either played in games at collegiate or HS level against various fronts so its not alien to them.

Frost doesn't play guys like Betts due to lack of consistency, effort and focus at practice yet head man in charge can't adjust or prepare for a different front? I saw a lack of focus and attention to detail on Saturday, but it wasn't from the players.
Spot on
It’s a simple adjustment if you or your staff have a clue what the hell they are doing. Frost’s comments reveal he is clueless. If he can’t make a game adjustment on this he shouldn’t be coaching football at any level.
Posted in another thread, but rewatching all the offensive plays, IL beat our OL with the simplest of simple execution. It was really sad to watch the ineptitude of our OL.
It feels they are lacking greatly in basic fundamentals.
Seems like a great kid, but Piper looked the most confused, then our tackles gave up ground way too easy with LT getting beat early and often.
Missing defenders entirely, couple scheme things that didn’t make sense, etc. It was rough.
Gonna be a long season if they can’t figure that out.
I think I made this point a couple years ago, but every fall camp practice it looked like our OL were doing Jr. High level drills. It looked like pattycake or something. There's no way those drills would help you in a game against a D1 opponent. I didn't think we were magically going to get better on the OL this year with the way they are prepared under Austin.
I think I made this point a couple years ago, but every fall camp practice it looked like our OL were doing Jr. High level drills. It looked like pattycake or something. There's no way those drills would help you in a game against a D1 opponent. I didn't think we were magically going to get better on the OL this year with the way they are prepared under Austin.
I was concerned with starting a RS Frosh at LT and a 5th year senior who’s barely played at LG, but yesterday simply made them look unprepared.
What does coach mean by that? 3-4 vs 4-3?

How does that impact your game plan? Can you adjust?
3-4 is where you have 3 defensive lineman and 4 linebackers

4-3 is 4 defensive linemen, and 3 linebackers

the blocking schemes are somewhat different because when you have an odd number of guys on defense, the middle guy is usually playing over your center as a nose tackle.. when you have an even number of defensive lineman, they are not usually playing directly over your center.

So this affects how the offensive linemen will block, depending on the front they are up against. and the defense will have different guys responsible for different 'gaps'. Some gaps are covered by linemen, others by linebackers.

The center has to be able to recognize the defensive front, and make the correct blocking scheme call, so the other linemen know how they will deal with it as a group.

I do not know how well Cam recognizes and calls the right schemes, but this is just a very basic idea of how I think of it.
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Every team every week has to prepare vs even and odd front looks nowadays in college football. No matter what any team says is their base defense, they have ways to create an odd front, with an over/under look, and an even front, with an over/under look.

Nebraska’s OL is continually underprepared.
3-4 is where you have 3 defensive lineman and 4 linebackers

4-3 is 4 defensive linemen, and 3 linebackers

the blocking schemes are somewhat different because when you have an odd number of guys on defense, the middle guy is usually playing over your center as a nose tackle.. when you have an even number of defensive lineman, they are not usually playing directly over your center.

So this affects how the offensive linemen will block, depending on the front they are up against. and the defense will have different guys responsible for different 'gaps'. Some gaps are covered by linemen, others by linebackers.

The center has to be able to recognize the defensive front, and make the correct blocking scheme call, so the other linemen know how they will deal with it as a group.

I do not know how well Cam recognizes and calls the right schemes, but this is just a very basic idea of how I think of it.
Very good explanation. Sometimes, in this case the op, I don't know if it's sarcasm or really don't understand. I was trying to be as basic of explanation and trying to keep it short texting with thumb!!

I'm a big O line guy and this is a good explanation sixx. You and hominid explained it well

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