No more Pot Roasts?

Haha this is the day you strive for. The dramatic post you love. The middle school girl stuff you love so funny
I’m not surprised that only the heavily medicated and the dismally boring were able to make sense of this drivel
So as of an hour ago he has a pic in Husker gear on his social media. This board is nothing short of fantastic. I can't imagine what some of these people are like in real life. The drama must be first class.
Compared to you, paint drying looks like Star Wars
Compared to you, paint drying looks like Star Wars
Every time you go off on me or another poster I think back to when you got suspended last winter. Private messaged me and were, dare I say, pleasant. I believe you ended one conversation with "cheers".

It makes me wonder if this is all a front to boost your ego or if you have some major emotional issues. I go back and forth on which one.
Not pussyfooting at all. This is full on. That’s why I responded to you directly. But keep on trying. I know your game and laugh at your attempts to dramatize everything. Proof positive in this response to me, talking about my weight? D-R-A-M-A.

I know a few girls and a gay guy that act indistinguishable from what we see here. Typically they’ve had ridiculously easy lives growing up with maybe one traumatic event mixed in. Never takes anything to send them spiraling. In a way, it’s not really their fault but we all still have to deal with it, unfortunately. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Every time you go off on me or another poster I think back to when you got suspended last winter. Private messaged me and were, dare I say, pleasant. I believe you ender one conversation with "cheers".

It makes me wonder if this is all a front to boost your ego or if you have some major emotional issues. I go back and forth on which one.
Simply posting my opinions.

Instead of attempting to dissect them or debate them, so many default to nothingness like “drama”

Talk about a front
I know a few girls and a gay guy that act indistinguishable from what we see here. Typically they’ve had ridiculously easy lives growing up with maybe one traumatic event mixed in. Never takes anything to send them spiraling. In a way, it’s not really their fault but we all still have to deal with it, unfortunately. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’m not sure you’ve made a single post in the last 2 months that didn’t involve me either directly or indirectly.

Bet you’re giddy for your upcoming staycation!
Every time you go off on me or another poster I think back to when you got suspended last winter. Private messaged me and were, dare I say, pleasant. I believe you ended one conversation with "cheers".

It makes me wonder if this is all a front to boost your ego or if you have some major emotional issues. I go back and forth on which one.
Same exact story here. It’s definitely a weird public front. A form of multiple personalities maybe.
Same exact story here. It’s definitely a weird public front. A form of multiple personalities maybe.
I reached out to you in response to a post you made. We had a pleasant exchange.

You later told me that my posts on this forum put my little girl in the hospital.

I responded with f*ck you, and stand by it.
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Haha. Responded. You sought me out and private messaged me. And ended a message with "cheers". No big deal though. I look at and treat you the same as my daughter when she's on her period. You're moody.
You should read that exchange again

Because it looks the exact same as everything else I post
You should read that exchange again

Because it looks the exact same as everything else I post
Here it is for anyone interested in transparency:

Hello! Been reading the co-coord thread and wanted to provide my thoughts:

1. This hire is a very welcome one, especially after hearing from Haarberg just how little QB coaching was taking place last year under Satt. It's too bad this hire didn't happen last off-season, but alas.

2. Thomas is a better QB coach than Satt because, well, he's actually a QB coach. Satt spent all his time in that room on Xs & Os (a coordinator's job) and none of it on mechanics, fundamentals, etc. This is coming directly from the best QB in that room last year.

3. In terms of the "co-coordinator" title, frankly I believe it lends even more room for Rhule's input, which is a good thing. I just hope we continue to run the ball at or around 55% of snaps, which will take tons of pressure off the areas of our offense that either cannot withstand it (OL) or will need time to prove capable of withstanding it (QB).

4. Looking at past performance doesn't guarantee anything in terms of future performance, but it can be helpful. I haven't looked at Thomas's teams' output close enough to know what's useful and what's not.

My unsolicited 2 cents. Hope you're well!

You should read that exchange again

Because it looks the exact same as everything else I post
Lol. I'm not trying to embarrass you but I think you need to read it again. You started the conversation with "Hello!" and ended one with "cheers". The other day you called me an insufferable douchebag. I don't think those conversations look the same at all.

Maybe you were looking for me to reciprocate? Well in that case let me try. Goodnight Kong!
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That's about right. Probably since 380 BC, when the Roman Empire converted to Christianity. At that point, pretending to be a Christian was a political benefit.
Closer to after 324 AD, The council of Niscea. At which point any scripture not within the prescribed Pauline adaptation was considered heretical. Jesus was killed around 33 AD. A little under 2000 years ago.
I remember in high school being at the county fair with some friends. A douchey guy that I had never met approached me and tried to start something. He claimed I had badmouthed him and wanted to fight me. I ignored him and so he tried the same crap with one of my friends. Got the same result.

Eventually he turned on his friends he was with and started a fight with one of them.

Seeing a lot of that in these threads today.
I reached out to you in response to a post you made. We had a pleasant exchange.

You later told me that my posts on this forum put my little girl in the hospital.

I responded with f*ck you, and stand by it.
I won’t apologize for believing in Karma and I’m thinking beyond just this board, but like so many have had to say to you before, you knew that.

* Before you messaged me* You publicly ridiculed me day and night for my abstract thoughts on the NFL and then dm’ed me with a completely different tone saying you “enjoyed reading my bets” on the same subject.

Now you’re sad because more people are outing you for being faker than Caitlyn Jenner’s ham box.
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Our team and players suck way to much for this shit

Get it together Preacher

UTEP game worries me more and more by the day. We shouldn’t be favored by 3+ TDs over anyone
Godzilla Kong GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures

You drunk?
She’s your proctologist. Full time gig. Lotta damage to account for.
Your unwillingness to respond is a dead giveaway she, too, works for the man

You sure as hell can’t support her

By the way - whose atrocious karma, individual or collective, is responsible for the last 20 years of NU football?

We’ve hired nothing but nice guys and one asshole since TO left. The asshole produced by far the best results.
  • Haha
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Nope. We’re a train wreck until proven otherwise

Murphys law should be renamed

I’m glad the new AD has zero loyalty toward the Preacher and he will hopefully be judged on

Here we go with the Preacher shit again! Did you quit taking your meds again? Here's a though, just let the season begin and see what happens this season.

I swear you're an Iowa fan because there was a guy over there with thesame King Kong avatar. Can't remember the posters name but he has since changed his avatar.
You think these recent developments are a good thing?

I mean, I know you’re all in on religion despite the non-stop crimes against kids and the less fortunate, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a sign from on high to you that we’re doing the righteous thing at NU by getting our asses kicked left and right while endlessly embarrassing the state and the hardworking people who make it great

I’d say wake up but you willingly administer your own sleeping potion

You can't discount religion based on man's corruption under the veil of religion. You judge religion by a few men but ignore the many actually doing good things. Funny thing about this world, we only report the bad and ignore the good. Man has been his own worst enemy, not God.
Closer to after 324 AD, The council of Niscea. At which point any scripture not within the prescribed Pauline adaptation was considered heretical. Jesus was killed around 33 AD. A little under 2000 years ago.
When I said close to 2000, I was just rounding a couple hundred years. The 380 AD date is when Christianity was declared the official religion and it was politically advantageous to pretend to be a Christian if you were not actually a Christian. One could argue that deception was occurring years before that but it was a done deal by 380 AD. And the pretending has continued on to this day.
You can't discount religion based on man's corruption under the veil of religion. You judge religion by a few men but ignore the many actually doing good things. Funny thing about this world, we only report the bad and ignore the good. Man has been his own worst enemy, not God.
Religion is man-made

I don’t discount those who do good. I am one of them & we need more.
My life has been so much better since I stopped watching the news and spent the time volunteering. There is a lot of good news when surrounded by positive people.
Whatever you seek you will find. If you seek out negativity you will certainly find it. If you are seeking positivity, you will find an oceans worth in your daily life/encounters.
I posted a video from a national sports talking head, non-Nebraska, who I thought was credible. He said Pot Roast was going to be gone because all his items relating to Nebraska and a couple of other small items were gone. I fell for it and posted it. Blame me!
That’s the exact kind of stuff that belongs on these boards, OP