No matter how many times you've seen it, what movie

Starz has been running Cinderella Man the past couple of weeks. I watched it in full once, then went back about five times for fight scenes. Paul Giamatti should have won a best supporting actor Oscar for the manager role.

Among those already mentioned, Tombstone and Reservoir Dogs always manage to pull me in.
Tombstone, Shawshank, any Bond movie, all Star Trek movies, Spaceballs, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Caddyshack, Animal House
Do you have to stop and watch when channel surfing? What is that one movie you see and can't go past?

Mine: Shawshank Redemption
Highlander, the original. I like the adventure and the historical movement through time.
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Alfred Hitchcock movies (North by Northwest, Rear Window, the Birds and Psycho are my favorites)
In Cold Blood
Midnight Run
What About Bob
Unforgiven, The Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men, Dr. Strangelove, O Brother Where Art Thou come to mind
gladiator, pale rider.....really any decent western. Friday(the first one) and napoleon dynamite.
Coming to America
Five Heartbeats
Good Fellas
Boyz in the Hood
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
The Quiet Man
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The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Bob Ford
The Road to Perdition
The Godfather I and II
What About Bob?
Baby Mama
National treasure
Back to the future
Iron man
Independence day
Varsity blues
Fast and furious
The original Star Wars trilogy. I'll sit there and watch them turn that hour 1/2 each show into 3 hours with commercials every few minutes every single time, even though I have the blue rays sitting just a few feet away. Just cant resist...

Also, a few others I usually can't pass up... The Matrix, the Borne movies, A Few Good Men, Groundhogs Day, Goonies, any of the Back to the Futures (even the 3rd).
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
The Lion King
A Hard Days Night
Return of the Jedi
most James Bond and Star Trek movies