Next NU volleyball coach


Walk On
Gold Member
Sep 4, 2022
John Cook is getting up there and who knows when he will hang it up. Who do you think will take over when he retires? Is Jordan Larson being groomed to take over? Does Dani Busboom Kelly come home? Or does someone else take over? I personally think we have a lot of great options.
John Cook is getting up there and who knows when he will hang it up. Who do you think will take over when he retires? Is Jordan Larson being groomed to take over? Does Dani Busboom Kelly come home? Or does someone else take over? I personally think we have a lot of great options.
Please not Jordan Larson. She should go cut her teeth somewhere else first. Also, a lot of people reminisce about how it was BS Tom got to name Solich head coach without the ADs approval, this could be another situation
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Could be Jalen. I think he's ready to be a head coach somewhere. The longer he stays at NU says something. Maybe he would rather be with NU as an assistant 🤔. Dani would make sense and be a popular choice. Big shoes to fill for sure.

Surprised Hildebrand is top assistant at usc

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