Nebraska Hockey


Recruiting Coordinator
Jun 4, 2017
Elkhorn, NE
Nebraska Lincoln needs to elevate its club hockey team to a varsity sport.

With NIL, NU can definitely attract talent. Have them play at The Bank, it sits vacant so much.

Just saw a Mavs hockey game. My takeaway was "Oh cmon!!!"
I dig it.
I’ve played hockey for about 35 yrs and think the students and community could get behind something fresh to compliment the Volleyball team.
Perhaps an outdoor game at Memorial Stadium?
Dannen wants to use the place.
Winter Special 2026.

Hey dude! Where did you play?!
Nebraska Hockey needs to be a thing and I think the community can get behind it. Especially if it is advertised as our outlet after football is over
Hockey would lose too much money. With profit sharing coming next year schools will be cutting sports not adding. Just my opinion

But on the other hand with college being a pay to play kids who play Canadian Major Junior hockey are now eligible to play college hockey in the states so if schools don’t add teams there won’t be too many US born players playing.
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Years ago the generally accepted opinion was that if a sport was added, it would be a women's sport due to title 9
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Women play hockey. Our National Women's team is the best in the world.
Women play hockey??? Who knew?? Next you will tell me they wrestle, shoot, and all sorts of other stuff.

However, would womens hockey make money? I assume the expense would be tremendous. And I as said, thats one more piece of the NIL pie to divide up. The ROI is not there. Let Omaha have hockey and NU have football.
Years ago the generally accepted opinion was that if a sport was added, it would be a women's sport due to title 9
The ice sheet added when PBA was built was in part added to accommodate a women's D-1 hockey team. Osborne was promoting women's hockey but they had a tough time fielding a women's club hockey team. The other political consideration was many didn't want NU hockey competing with UNO's hockey team. The flip side of that of course is that IF we added men's hockey it would elevate hockey as a whole in the state. My son played on the Husker club hockey team for 4 years swhich was allowed to use all of the Husker logos etc but had to self fund. We had the whole team hang out at our house for a day. Fed them venison steaks, chili, brats etc. It was a hoot. Had their team bus with the Husker signage all over it parked in my driveway. They fielded a very competitive team that competed at the D-2 level.
It would destroy UNOs nationally relevant program. Won't happen.
OR it would elevate it in the state's eyes and promote hockey in general. Has Husker basketball destroyed Creighton's nationally relevant basketball program? A Husker hockey team would struggle initially at least but as long as people continued to support Omaha's hockey team it would be a win win for the sport in the state IMO.

I have mixed emotions about it because the club team afforded my son an opportunity to keep playing hockey competitively while in college. He had some great friends on that team. Don Bryant's grandson was involved with that group as was the son of a co-owner of the Chicago White Sox at the time. IF there were a donor of substance that wanted D-1 Husker men's and women's hockey it would probably happen.
Old school, travel Knights teams, turned into Gladiators and Junior Lancers, Iowa High School League. I wish UNO had a team back then, ended up in Minnesota to play in college.
The Dakota schools have beautiful hockey facilities. My son played in Brookings in tournaments. My first cousin was one of the big donors to UND's hockey facility back when they built that. The best seats in the house were standing behind the goalie. If you weren't paying close attention you would have a puck hit the glass next to your or somebody would get checked in to the glass and scare the sh## out of you. A D-1 football coach's son played on my son's high school team during the Callahan years. He was from Wisconsin and knew knew Bill and Kevin Cosgrove. We would be standing behind the goalie and he would get phone calls from other D-1 coaches where they would discuss what jobs were opening up and who was going where. His school had just decided to go up to D-1. He said, yeah it will raise enough money to get me fired.....and it did a few years later. Damned good guy and coach.
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My son is 12 and plays on a multi state traveling team. Being hit on skates it's a whole different world then getting hit on turf and I'm here for it!
And if that’s the case it would probably be womens lacrosse. Very little equipment and can be played on a soccer field
We are currently at 9 mens sports and 13 womens sports. In accordance with what we see in the B1G, womens lacrosse and womens field hockey could each be added at relatively little cost if serious about adding mens' ice hockey.
Nebraska Lincoln needs to elevate its club hockey team to a varsity sport.

With NIL, NU can definitely attract talent. Have them play at The Bank, it sits vacant so much.

Just saw a Mavs hockey game. My takeaway was "Oh cmon!!!"
Had a former player of mine and a coach play club there while he was in college, the program of it left club and moved to intercollegiate D1 level, it would be supported here
Theres a simple answer.

Creighton should field a mens hockey team. The you could have a Jaysker football and Hockey fan club. Balance
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Women play hockey??? Who knew?? Next you will tell me they wrestle, shoot, and all sorts of other stuff.

However, would womens hockey make money? I assume the expense would be tremendous. And I as said, thats one more piece of the NIL pie to divide up. The ROI is not there. Let Omaha have hockey and NU have football.
You asked what female sport Nebraska could add if they added men's hockey. Pretty simple answer if they decided to invest in a D1 men's hockey team.

To answer your second question, no. Most sports don't generate revenue. Football and men's basketball (to a much smaller degree) pay the bills. Female sports in general don't generate a dime, they're only there to satisfy Title Nine. There are certainly exceptions to that (Nebraska Volleyball drawing a huge crowd) but you just have to look at the WNBA to see my point.
The university system already said no to hockey in Lincoln since uno has a team
when they built the bank I suggested the put in a ice rink, which dr. tom did..but..some suggested the sight level for hockey and bball differ..not sure why that was said...
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As a former player I agree with you HuskerHusaria, but the same old people tell you why Hockey would never work at UNL and I'll tell you why, they don't know a blueline from a redline, it's called ignorance of the sport. I always thought the fans of Nebraska sports would love the game of hockey because it's a fast physical sport, but I think I know their problem, they just don't understand the game.

Maybe someday those nay sayers will stop and really take in a game someplace and change their minds about a great game a game I personally had to quit due to injury, I really miss playing. Sorry for those that are missing out on a great game and show.
As a former player I agree with you HuskerHusaria, but the same old people tell you why Hockey would never work at UNL and I'll tell you why, they don't know a blueline from a redline, it's called ignorance of the sport. I always thought the fans of Nebraska sports would love the game of hockey because it's a fast physical sport, but I think I know their problem, they just don't understand the game.

Maybe someday those nay sayers will stop and really take in a game someplace and change their minds about a great game a game I personally had to quit due to injury, I really miss playing. Sorry for those that are missing out on a great game and show.
I really appreciate your response and NU should be a power in hockey. I just don't think the community passed this on

I hope you're doing alright?
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I really appreciate your response and NU should be a power in hockey. I just don't think the community passed this on

I hope you're doing alright?
Thanks, my injury happened many, many years ago, spent a few days in ICU and had some work done on my nose (still have scar) and treatment to the throat, it's what happens when you don't keep your head up. 🤪 I've played all the major sports, but Hockey was my favorite football a close second.
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NU adds hockey, UNO should reinstate football.
UNO could probably field a reasonably good program now that the roster limits have been instituted. The problem for them would be they would almost have to be an FCS level team and would get destroyed by all 4 Dakota schools they were in a conference with before. It would be tough sledding. Cost versus benefit.
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As a former player I agree with you HuskerHusaria, but the same old people tell you why Hockey would never work at UNL and I'll tell you why, they don't know a blueline from a redline, it's called ignorance of the sport. I always thought the fans of Nebraska sports would love the game of hockey because it's a fast physical sport, but I think I know their problem, they just don't understand the game.

Maybe someday those nay sayers will stop and really take in a game someplace and change their minds about a great game a game I personally had to quit due to injury, I really miss playing. Sorry for those that are missing out on a great game and show.
part of the problem is that hockey is tough to watch on TV. The puck is tiny and moves so fast that most people can't follow it.
part of the problem is that hockey is tough to watch on TV. The puck is tiny and moves so fast that most people can't follow it.
This is definitely the kryptonite of hockey.
While HD TV has made it MUCH better to watch, it is still not ideal for everyone.
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This is definitely the kryptonite of hockey.
While HD TV has made it MUCH better to watch, it is still not ideal for everyone.
Another thing that would help the idea of college hockey is for people to actually go to a game. It's a party with a sporting event conveniently going on in front of you.
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UNO could probably field a reasonably good program now that the roster limits have been instituted. The problem for them would be they would almost have to be an FCS level team and would get destroyed by all 4 Dakota schools they were in a conference with before. It would be tough sledding. Cost versus benefit.
They could build a decent roster for sure, especially pulling in kids in the Omaha metro area, like ones that recently have departed the Huskers. They wouldn’t have to play in the Mo Valley football conference, the Pioneer league and Ohio Valley conference have teams not far away
They could build a decent roster for sure, especially pulling in kids in the Omaha metro area, like ones that recently have departed the Huskers. They wouldn’t have to play in the Mo Valley football conference, the Pioneer league and Ohio Valley conference have teams not far away
Pioneeer League has teams from California to Florida. They would probably fit in the D2 Great Lakes conference.