So I'm going to play a trick on her this Saturday. I've hired a male and female stripper to come over to the house decked out in Husker gear. I'm going to go up to our bedroom and probably make out with the female stripper, and get a lap dance, while the Husker fight song is blaring. Maybe I'll get lucky too. Who knows??? While this is going on, a delivery person is going to come to the door with a dead gopher, that has been to a taxidermist, with a painted big red N on the Gopher's chest. Then, the male stripper will grab the Gopher and give it a lap dance, laden with aggressive pelvic thrusts, in front of my wife. Meanwhile, I'll finish whatever happens in the bedroom with the female stripper, come downstairs and politely ask the strippers to leave. My wife has a great sense of humor, so I'm pretty sure she'll laugh about the whole thing. After a good chuckle, I'm guessing we'll probably make out before the game and eat some nachos.