What is Moos stupid? It’s unaccetable that Frost could coach in that game.
Enough with the sarcasm.
They were just talking about this with Charles Davis on 1620. Davis brought up a good point regarding Spurrier that I had forgotten. When Spurrier left Duke for Florida, he did coach Duke’s bowl game. During the game around the 2nd Q, Spurrier got on a player for not playing hard enough. That player gave him a look like, “What do I care, you aren’t going to be here any more.” Spurrier said he’d never do that again if he were in a similar situation.
Davis also said now, Frost is on good terms with UCF, but as time goes, it can only sour. He feels SF has moved on, its time to go.
Another point they just brought up is Nebraska has today offered to UCF commits a scholarship. Not sure how this will go over with the UCF AD.
So some valid points.
I still see no harm on the Nebraska side, but maybe UCF decides in the next few days, thanks, but no thanks to Frost.