That's an excellent quote that perfectly encapsulates how I feel about the GWOT. Perfectly noble cause, but there's no real end to it and no clear definition of success.To quote a friend who I was deployed with...
"We've been degrading terrorist capabilities in this country for 15 years".
Having supported this particular effort in the past, I can say that they probably hit this thing with the idea that this was the weapon for the job, or at the very least, hey instead of doing something "normal" lets try this thing out and see how well it works and it'll at least save us dropping a bunch of other things.
And that's the burden you bear when you continue to be in the practice of having far and away the world's largest and most powerful military. Everyone expects you to be the one to do something about it when somebody is stirring the shit half a world away. And so you do, which means you need to keep pumping that cash and attention into the military, which means when the next shit stirrer gets his spoon out, everyone looks at you, and so on.
TBH I was really hoping Trump's penchant for isolationism would stick.