Might be an unpopular opinion

As long as Trev sees progress he may not make changes this year with Frost. He has been openly complimentary of Chin. Maybe Trev will demand changes in a few of the other coaching positions....offense coaches.

Maybe Trev is trying to get his senior leadership team in a good spot before he makes coaching changes in any sport. I think it was in a OWH article this week that Trev said when he arrived there were 3 different groups of people in his senior leadership team that did not like each other. That comment supports what we have been hearing...toxic culture. Two staff are gone since Trev's arrival. It will be interesting who else departs.
We can yammer on about frost getting fired like a bunch of yentas, but the sense I get is that there’s no appetite for it in the administration
And IF the O line keeps playing like they did last night, they'll probably keep Austin. Jay Foreman you could tell on the radio call in show was kind of perturbed by the drum beat to get rid of Austin at one point. I don't know if it was all Frost shuffling players around or if it was partly Austin's idea but whoever finally pulled the trigger on it, it sure makes you wonder what Austin has been thinking through fall camp and the first 4 games. I don't care if it was only Northwestern, that was a good O line performance against a B1G front 7 with lots of experience.
From this Iowa fans perspective I believe Scott Frost is heading in the right direction, I understand the frustration with how long it’s taken but I see so much growth in the physicality and intensity of Nebraska on both sides of the ball, Again from an outsiders perspective it seems the team has fully bought into what the staff is selling, I don’t know that has truly happened until this year.
I am used to seeing Nebraska play their asses off vs Iowa, We as fans like to pretend it’s not really a rivalry, I think the players from each team feel differently, Anyway from what I have seen it appears Nebraska has really upped the ante in bringing intensity week in and week out, Again I don’t know that has been the case in the past.
First time reading this site in a couple of years. Wanted to see people’s reactions to last night. Jesus has this place turned into a cesspool.
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-Firing Frank was wrong and I knew it then. We expected to always be on top, well we all know that was pipe dreams. So we made some mistakes on coaching but to give up our future because sins of our past doesn't make sense. How many years will be enough with Frost ?

Probably gonna disagree with you on firing Frank. Now if you are only saying it was a mistake to fire him after 9-3 instead of firing him after 7-7, then I can agree with you.

But Frank wasnt going to take us anywhere that we wanted to be as a HC. We can romanticize about Solich all we want, but the bottom line is that:

1. No big boy programs wanted to hire him after NU. Good to great coaches have P5 jobs lined up trying to hire them if they think they are very good coaches. He had zero.

2. He spent 15 years in the MAC and never once won a conference title. At this point we can just shut it down, cuz thats all you really need to know as far as whether or not he would have done big things at NU had we kept him. Solich never lost fewer than 4 games in the MAC in any year, so it wasnt like he was zipping through seasons with 1-3 losses on the reg..never under 4 losses.

So while we can agree Solich was a great NU player, assistant, and loyal coach at NU for many years, he just wasnt a high level big boy D1 coach, or a coach that was gonna get us to where we needed and wanted to be...
Well we all know what happened after he was let go. I'd take a consistent winning coach over a lunatic, a perennial loser, a NFL reach, or what we have now. Frank should have been given more time after he had a new staff, period. So what he didn't go to a bigger program, he took sorry Ohio to heights never seen before. I believe he had a winning seasons every year. The guy was Nebraska thru and thru. He deserved better.
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First time reading this site in a couple of years. Wanted to see people’s reactions to last night. Jesus has this place turned into a cesspool.
There are some very weird posters for sure. Some were even being stupid and debating Bo during a live game. Like..WTF is wrong with some of you?
Lets see how the season finishes. I have a hunch Trev wont make a decision based on one game. No matter what Trev decides its his job and reputation on the line. If he screws it up by keeping or firing Frost not only is his reputation as an AD on the line but his place in Husker history as a player will not matter much if he screws this up.
Well we all know what happened after he was let go. I'd take a consistent winning coach over a lunatic, a perennial loser, a NFL reach, or what we have now. Frank should have been given more time after he had a new staff, period. So what he didn't go to a bigger program, he took sorry Ohio to heights never seen before. I believe he had a winning seasons every year. The guy was Nebraska thru and thru. He deserved better.
Just because we may not have made the right hires after Solich, doesnt mean Firing Solich was the wrong move. You need to separate the two things.

Recruiting was going downhill w Frank it was pretty obvious looking at the lack of talent after TOs guys started graduating..and we were getting blown out 3 times a yr by peer programs under Frank, and yes three times in a yr even when he had "his" coaches. Sorry, but 8-9 wins and 3 blowout losses per yr, was never gonna cut it at NU.

You say Solich didn't deserve to get fired and it "wasn't fair," well then shouldn't big boy programs have come lining up to hire him then? I mean trying to right this terrible Injustice? You know that NU fired a coach who was gonna be great and NU made a terrible mistake?

Yet no big boy teams came knocking on his door, no one saw this coaching genius that NU fans claim he was, or recruiting machine they claim he was gonna be.

He never won a conf championship at the MAC level and averaged 5 losses per yr For his 15 full seasons at Ohio.

So if u say we made bad hires after Solich, then I wholeheartedly agree, but if u want to romanticize he was gonna reach some magical place like conf championships or natty title appearances...there is really nothing to show in his career even at the lower levels he was going to achieve those lofty heights..

So we made the right choice firing Frank, but we didn't make the right choices in who we replaced him with ,I'll agree on that...

You can also be mad in ur opinion that Frank was fired and how he was treated and it was poor. I will also disagree with u on that one as well, cuz no one was lining up to hire Solich from an NU type of program in the yrs he was an asst coach...TO gave him the opportunity that no one else would..

So NU did him a favor by giving him a HC shot at a big boy program that he was never gonna get otherwise..and we lined his pockets with millions of dollars for his trouble. So I say we treated him pretty good by giving him a shot that no one else from a P5 school was gonna give him..
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here is the thing for me... last night looked like a completely new running game, based on the new OL lineup.. and while I am estatic that we had success with that, I am angry that it flippin took this long for Frost to do something about it, or not have it figured out in advance.

We very well could have a much better record this season if coach had made the necessary changes earlier.

It gives me the feeling like he has been sandbagging things this whole time, and not until the pressure is really applied, does he produce results.

While they will likely keep him as a coach now. I don't like the guy and feel like he's way overpaid for what he does.

However, now that we know the formula, Trev is going to have to keep his boot on him so he doesn't start backsliding.

I expect Scott Frost to win from here on out. Every game, like it should be.
I don't put up with losing games that should be wins. I demand more out of people. Losers celebrate moral victories, I demand wins.
You're super demanding for being a Husker board peon like the rest of us simpletons. Dude, you're not gonna talk your way back into people's good graces just because you keep changing your own narrative. You loaded the board time after time for 2-3 weeks and then disappeared until later in the week. It's probably time to change your log in name again.
here is the thing for me... last night looked like a completely new running game, based on the new OL lineup.. and while I am estatic that we had success with that, I am angry that it flippin took this long for Frost to do something about it, or not have it figured out in advance.

We very well could have a much better record this season if coach had made the necessary changes earlier.

It gives me the feeling like he has been sandbagging things this whole time, and not until the pressure is really applied, does he produce results.

While they will likely keep him as a coach now. I don't like the guy and feel like he's way overpaid for what he does.

However, now that we know the formula, Trev is going to have to keep his boot on him so he doesn't start backsliding.

I expect Scott Frost to win from here on out. Every game, like it should be.
Well said
here is the thing for me... last night looked like a completely new running game, based on the new OL lineup.. and while I am estatic that we had success with that, I am angry that it flippin took this long for Frost to do something about it, or not have it figured out in advance.

We very well could have a much better record this season if coach had made the necessary changes earlier.

It gives me the feeling like he has been sandbagging things this whole time, and not until the pressure is really applied, does he produce results.

While they will likely keep him as a coach now. I don't like the guy and feel like he's way overpaid for what he does.

However, now that we know the formula, Trev is going to have to keep his boot on him so he doesn't start backsliding.

I expect Scott Frost to win from here on out. Every game, like it should be.
You and I have been in agreement, for the most part, during the time I've joined. I can't get past the idea that SF wanted to do things his way, especially on offense, and until these changes, his way has not worked.

I still believe he wanted to play those kids who he is fond us, and I firmly believe, it has been to the detriment of the team, and the program overall.
Just an opinion.
You're super demanding for being a Husker board peon like the rest of us simpletons. Dude, you're not gonna talk your way back into people's good graces just because you keep changing your own narrative. You loaded the board time after time for 2-3 weeks and then disappeared until later in the week. It's probably time to change your log in name again.
If Frost gets things cleaned up all is good. If things revert back to same old then firing squad will be waiting. It's not hard to figure this stuff out but some posters are perfectly ok with bad football if it means not getting blown out. People who favor bad football with close losses are losers in life. Winners want better results.
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If Frost gets things cleaned up all is good. If things revert back to same old then firing squad will be waiting. It's not hard to figure this stuff out but some posters are perfectly ok with bad football if it means not getting blown out. People who favor bad football with close losses are losers in life. Winners want better results.
Couple things:

You'll be leading that firing squad.
How's that coaching poll coming?
How many games has your team(s) won in your coaching career?
Don't include your 8 and under girls soccer team that went undefeated.
Couple things:

You'll be leading that firing squad.
How's that coaching poll coming?
How many games has your team(s) won in your coaching career?
Don't include your 8 and under girls soccer team that went undefeated.

You are one of those weird posters.
Just because we may not have made the right hires after Solich, doesnt mean Firing Solich was the wrong move. You need to separate the two things.

Recruiting was going downhill w Frank it was pretty obvious looking at the lack of talent after TOs guys started graduating..and we were getting blown out 3 times a yr by peer programs under Frank, and yes three times in a yr even when he had "his" coaches. Sorry, but 8-9 wins and 3 blowout losses per yr, was never gonna cut it at NU.

You say Solich didn't deserve to get fired and it "wasn't fair," well then shouldn't big boy programs have come lining up to hire him then? I mean trying to right this terrible Injustice? You know that NU fired a coach who was gonna be great and NU made a terrible mistake?

Yet no big boy teams came knocking on his door, no one saw this coaching genius that NU fans claim he was, or recruiting machine they claim he was gonna be.

He never won a conf championship at the MAC level and averaged 5 losses per yr For his 15 full seasons at Ohio.

So if u say we made bad hires after Solich, then I wholeheartedly agree, but if u want to romanticize he was gonna reach some magical place like conf championships or natty title appearances...there is really nothing to show in his career even at the lower levels he was going to achieve those lofty heights..

So we made the right choice firing Frank, but we didn't make the right choices in who we replaced him with ,I'll agree on that...

You can also be mad in ur opinion that Frank was fired and how he was treated and it was poor. I will also disagree with u on that one as well, cuz no one was lining up to hire Solich from an NU type of program in the yrs he was an asst coach...TO gave him the opportunity that no one else would..

So NU did him a favor by giving him a HC shot at a big boy program that he was never gonna get otherwise..and we lined his pockets with millions of dollars for his trouble. So I say we treated him pretty good by giving him a shot that no one else from a P5 school was gonna give him..
The whole mess was/is like as sands through the hourglass, so go the days of our lives. Osborne had a sweet deal lined up to be the AD when he quit coaching. Graham Spanier showed up as chancellor and stabbed him in the back by hiring Byrne. Then he stabbed UNL in the back by ditching us to be chancellor at Penn State. Osborne stabbed Byrne in the back by announcing Solich as his successor when Byrne was on vacation. When Byrne left Osborne was instrumental in getting Pederson here, who had been his recruiting coordinator back in the day. Then Pederson stabbed Osborne in the back by firing Solich (after getting Osborne's OK to name the field after him). Then Osborne became AD and canned Callahan and installed Pelini (the "national search" came down to Pelini and Gill). Then Perlman stabbed Osborne in the back and forced him out as AD and installed Eichorst, who stabbed Pelini in the back and fired him. Around that time Spanier got jail time for aiding intuitional pedophilia. After EIchorst got canned, Riley got canned and Osborne supported his 1997 NC QB to be installed as head coach. Now Osborne supported his All American Linebacker for AD. No wonder a lot of outsiders look at what goes on in Lincoln and shake their heads.

Let's hope NU wins most of the rest of the games this year and goes to a bowl so the All American doesn't have to fire the NC quarterback.
here is the thing for me... last night looked like a completely new running game, based on the new OL lineup.. and while I am estatic that we had success with that, I am angry that it flippin took this long for Frost to do something about it, or not have it figured out in advance.

We very well could have a much better record this season if coach had made the necessary changes earlier.

It gives me the feeling like he has been sandbagging things this whole time, and not until the pressure is really applied, does he produce results.

While they will likely keep him as a coach now. I don't like the guy and feel like he's way overpaid for what he does.

However, now that we know the formula, Trev is going to have to keep his boot on him so he doesn't start backsliding.

I expect Scott Frost to win from here on out. Every game, like it should be.
While yesterday was promising, all we have done so far is beat up weak teams and piss away games against better teams (after the Illinois debacle). We've played 4 of our 5 easiest opponents and are 3-3. Let's let the season play out.
So, you got nothing? If you'd have done anything worthwhile, you would be proud to exhibit it.
If you have to talk up your accomplishments then you haven't accomplished anything. Same thing goes with money. If you don't have any you try and make it sound like you do. If you have a lot of money, you will want to keep it to yourself.
While yesterday was promising, all we have done so far is beat up weak teams and piss away games against better teams (after the Illinois debacle). We've played 4 of our 5 easiest opponents and are 3-3. Let's let the season play out.
If you have to talk up your accomplishments then you haven't accomplished anything. Same thing goes with money. If you don't have any you try and make it sound like you do. If you have a lot of money, you will want to keep it to yourself.
How about this? I will wager 10K that I have won at multiple higher levels than you? Wanna give it a go?
While yesterday was promising, all we have done so far is beat up weak teams and piss away games against better teams (after the Illinois debacle). We've played 4 of our 5 easiest opponents and are 3-3. Let's let the season play out.
Agree, just hoping the switch was flipped last night. Seems like they are starting to believe in themselves. Confidence and momentum go a long way.
The whole mess was/is like as sands through the hourglass, so go the days of our lives. Osborne had a sweet deal lined up to be the AD when he quit coaching. Graham Spanier showed up as chancellor and stabbed him in the back by hiring Byrne. Then he stabbed UNL in the back by ditching us to be chancellor at Penn State. Osborne stabbed Byrne in the back by announcing Solich as his successor when Byrne was on vacation. When Byrne left Osborne was instrumental in getting Pederson here, who had been his recruiting coordinator back in the day. Then Pederson stabbed Osborne in the back by firing Solich (after getting Osborne's OK to name the field after him). Then Osborne became AD and canned Callahan and installed Pelini (the "national search" came down to Pelini and Gill). Then Perlman stabbed Osborne in the back and forced him out as AD and installed Eichorst, who stabbed Pelini in the back and fired him. Around that time Spanier got jail time for aiding intuitional pedophilia. After EIchorst got canned, Riley got canned and Osborne supported his 1997 NC QB to be installed as head coach. Now Osborne supported his All American Linebacker for AD. No wonder a lot of outsiders look at what goes on in Lincoln and shake their heads.

Let's hope NU wins most of the rest of the games this year and goes to a bowl so the All American doesn't have to fire the NC quarterback.
Damn I love history
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First time reading this site in a couple of years. Wanted to see people’s reactions to last night. Jesus has this place turned into a cesspool.
Turned? It has always been a cesspool being constantly crapped in by a few crappy posters.....
And IF the O line keeps playing like they did last night, they'll probably keep Austin. Jay Foreman you could tell on the radio call in show was kind of perturbed by the drum beat to get rid of Austin at one point. I don't know if it was all Frost shuffling players around or if it was partly Austin's idea but whoever finally pulled the trigger on it, it sure makes you wonder what Austin has been thinking through fall camp and the first 4 games. I don't care if it was only Northwestern, that was a good O line performance against a B1G front 7 with lots of experience.
Austin needs to go. 4 straight years his lines have come out totally unprepared to start the season.
here is the thing for me... last night looked like a completely new running game, based on the new OL lineup.. and while I am estatic that we had success with that, I am angry that it flippin took this long for Frost to do something about it, or not have it figured out in advance.

We very well could have a much better record this season if coach had made the necessary changes earlier.

It gives me the feeling like he has been sandbagging things this whole time, and not until the pressure is really applied, does he produce results.

While they will likely keep him as a coach now. I don't like the guy and feel like he's way overpaid for what he does.

However, now that we know the formula, Trev is going to have to keep his boot on him so he doesn't start backsliding.

I expect Scott Frost to win from here on out. Every game, like it should be.
Agreed, if we do end up keeping Frost, it's going to take awhile to get that trust back. And he has to continue working hard, improving the product on the field, and putting the Husker program above himself and his buddies. If he can do that, we may be alright.

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