Lutovsky at right guard


Nebraska Legend
Jan 14, 2011
I haven't seen much if any discussion of the O line play from Saturday. What's everybody think? My general impression was that our right side struggled at times against UNI but I didn't really focus on that much when I was watching the game.
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IMO his lateral movement limits him. Pretty good when he gets his hands on a guy. Would fit better in a power scheme rather than mostly inside zone blocking.

Mazzucca is clearly better but sounds like he made a dumb@ss decision, whatever it was. Hopefully he can earn trust back & get on the field because we will need him.
I haven't seen much if any discussion of the O line play from Saturday. What's everybody think? My general impression was that our right side struggled at times against UNI but I didn't really focus on that much when I was watching the game.
Seemed like we attacked the left side, especially wide with short passes and runs out wide left. If the right side is struggling at least we were wise to avoid it.
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Right side will continue to be the weaker side until we can get a tackle who can surpass the one we have out their, IMO
I don't know. Was too busy watching Barney and Nelson when they were in the game. Those guys are electric. Seemed like we struggled to run Dowdell inside like the previous 2 games.
UNI was geared up to try to take the run game away from us IMO. I think their D line was actually bigger than CU's. CU had some athletic guys but I don't think they were gap sound all the time. UNI was very disciplined. I think their lines would match up well with Iowa's or Minnesota's.
Blurb in paper today said that Mazz had been "demoted" to 2nd string...wouldn't play on Friday..but still practicing with the team. "
Rhule said that in his press conference and believe he said he was #2 coming out of the spring. He was very open about Mazz not performing to the standard in spring. Hoped he would clean it up - but like Rhule’s mindset on such things. Hopefully MM learns from it and applies these learnings.

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