That's Mike Riley.
Like a lot of people, I wanted to believe Riley's personality was what the program needed. Wanted to believe that his track record at Oregon State was a victim of circumstance type thing rather than an indictment on his coaching ability.
But now, I'm tossing off the blinders.
Riley sold everyone a bill of goods.
The bells and whistles with recruiting. The use of social media. And we're still undersigning. Still missing on recruits. Still falling woefully short at critical positions.
The tough talk when firing Banker and Stache. And yet, where's the self accountability? Team continues to start slow. Continues to commit penalties. Continues to play soft. Continues to shoot itself in the foot. An offensive coordinator that coaches like he's a drunken sailor. Those things fall on Riley.
When Riley got the job, I was beyond underwhelmed. But as a fan, you want the team to win. And you support the decision. More than two years in and it's clear. Riley isn't close to being the answer despite the smoke and mirrors and camoflague. Simply not a good coach. And at the end of November, he can add unemployed to his extensive and less than impressive resume.
Like a lot of people, I wanted to believe Riley's personality was what the program needed. Wanted to believe that his track record at Oregon State was a victim of circumstance type thing rather than an indictment on his coaching ability.
But now, I'm tossing off the blinders.
Riley sold everyone a bill of goods.
The bells and whistles with recruiting. The use of social media. And we're still undersigning. Still missing on recruits. Still falling woefully short at critical positions.
The tough talk when firing Banker and Stache. And yet, where's the self accountability? Team continues to start slow. Continues to commit penalties. Continues to play soft. Continues to shoot itself in the foot. An offensive coordinator that coaches like he's a drunken sailor. Those things fall on Riley.
When Riley got the job, I was beyond underwhelmed. But as a fan, you want the team to win. And you support the decision. More than two years in and it's clear. Riley isn't close to being the answer despite the smoke and mirrors and camoflague. Simply not a good coach. And at the end of November, he can add unemployed to his extensive and less than impressive resume.