Kiss Terry Wilson goodbye...

I think the difference is we don't often see when you are complimentary, but if you perceive there's something wrong you are quick to point it out. Not saying you are never positive or complimentary, but you do seem to be much quicker on the draw with the negative things and the things that are wrong with the program / fans / this board.

This is my "analysis".
He was complimentary of Bo; he gives Bo credit for winning an average of 10 games a year. And isn't Tulsa the one who claims to be a preacher? If so, he's not being negative, he's just pointing out others faults so that they can realize them and work to get better, with Tulsa's help and guidance.
He was complimentary of Bo; he gives Bo credit for winning an average of 10 games a year. And isn't Tulsa the one who claims to be a preacher? If so, he's not being negative, he's just pointing out others faults so that they can realize them and work to get better, with Tulsa's help and guidance.
True, I guess I was talking about after Bo... Should have been clearer. :)
If the kid can run.....I agree Oregon is a better fit because they use an offense that exploits the QB running ability. Riley has not done that in his career - but he seems to be open to the idea based on the QBs he has in Lincoln. Not to mention he was on the receiving end of how effective running QBs can be while at OSU. The kid may be making a valid point and still be leaning towards Nebraska......
Dude, stop getting drunk and posting. Guy is pure muscle. That aint a stick you wanna mess with.
That is all muscle and normal for the age; still growing. I listened to the interview; came across at one point as if he was explaining why he switched; so I understand the concern; but followed with his N commitment statement.... Lets remember, we were in early; Oregon watches us and one has to wonder about Frost contacts. We are his best situation for an NFL career; both coaching and format. We also got onto two top 11 recruits; basically before others " discovered them " , as they came on with camp performances. GBR
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Oh no!!! Good player verbally committed to us to take other OV's. What shall we do??? This type of thing (a player taking OV's) never happens.

I like the sensational spin in "Kiss it goodbye" like OP knows what's up. Then if it happens you get the good ole 'I told you so'. I'll await the backpedal post to cover the tracks if he does honor his commitment here. Let me guess that OP is a major fan of the doom and gloom/fear driven agenda's. Sick

Have fun with that...

Even though we've yet to take an in-season snap with this new coaching staff, I just don't get as worried about this stuff as I did with the old staff. I just get the feeling whatever happens with TW, NU will be fine.
Oh no!!! Good player verbally committed to us to take other OV's. What shall we do??? This type of thing (a player taking OV's) never happens.

I like the sensational spin in "Kiss it goodbye" like OP knows what's up. Then if it happens you get the good ole 'I told you so'. I'll await the backpedal post to cover the tracks if he does honor his commitment here. Let me guess that OP is a major fan of the doom and gloom/fear driven agenda's. Sick

Have fun with that...


Seriously, try making some sense. I'm not 6 years old. I would take no satisfaction in seeing him commit to Oregon. What world do you live in where your pride is so bloated that you revel in being able to tell others "told ya so?"

I listened to the interview thinking he was solid, and then I heard "Everyone knows the Oregon offense fits me better." If that doesn't make you a little nervous, then I guess your bloated pride is serving you well.

Would you like me to promise to the board that I won't come back and say "Ha, told ya so," so you can rest easily? Then you can go enjoy your juice box and own in Hungry Hungry Hippos without anything weighing heavily on your mind.
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I'm gonna wait til we play some football before I get nervous.

Meanwhile, I came across this.

A lot can happen in recruiting. Oregon could get another verbal from a QB (they already have one) and the door could close for him. Nebraska's coaches need to keep recruiting him hard, and keep their options open for another QB should he decommit. It ain't over until the faxed LOI's are in.

My original post is a bit tongue in cheek, because I don't get too bent out of shape any more about 18 year old kids changing their minds. I guess I should have left an emoticon to let the masses know that I'm not that distraught from the news.

That being said, with a kid saying "Everyone knows the Oregon offense is a better fit for me" and then going for a visit where the Nike facilities will be quite a draw, people would be silly not to think that there is a chance that he could flip to Oregon.

I'm not impugning the character of the kid. I'm just saying that his definition of 100% committed doesn't appear to be very accurate.
Ha...thanks for the good laugh HD. I can tell it burns you up to have to converse with people who aren't doom and gloomers like yourself. What world nonsense :D

I'll get out my "Jump to conclusions" mat for you to play on since you already know how this is going to go BRO.

Ha...thanks for the good laugh HD. I can tell it burns you up to have to converse with people who aren't doom and gloomers like yourself. What world nonsense :D

I'll get out my "Jump to conclusions" mat for you to play on since you already know how this is going to go BRO.


Nah, it actually makes me sad that you take pride in telling someone you "told them so." Gotta feel for folks like this...pining away for that opportunity to spring out and tell everyone they were wrong. Incidentally these are the same type of people that you see finally losing it and shooting up a delicatessen. Also known as sociopaths. Meds, my friend, meds..
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Wow...really going on heavy here. Your message was was the unnecessary rhetoric used with your original message that actually bothered me. Obviously you're entitled to do as you please. As we all know, this is place for showing superior anonymous superiority over others in society (that's sarcasm). You'll win something...just not sure what it is...

Come on now, you're better than name calling and false type labels aren't you?? That act is tiresome, dieing out, and getting pretty old (literally) you know. However, if it makes you content then by all means carry on the rest will keep laughing

Ha...thanks for the good laugh HD. I can tell it burns you up to have to converse with people who aren't doom and gloomers like yourself. What world nonsense :D

I'll get out my "Jump to conclusions" mat for you to play on since you already know how this is going to go BRO.
Same guy made a comment about people being wrong when Stevenson visited Miami and saying he was gone. Oh the irony


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