Kenny bell tweet

no one is arguing Nebraska deserves a bowl game, however if one is offered I hope we would humbly accept ... show up for the extra practices with an attitude that we have been gifted the opportunity to get better
Blame the NCAA for allowing what 40 bowl games? Someone has to go to them.

Let's see what happens when the NCAA starts telling cities/bowl.committees, "Oh sorry, you can't have your bowl game, there's not enough qualified teams.

It is what it is and it's time for the critics to STFU.
The Big Ten won't turn down the shared $$$, and Nebraska obviously needs the extra practice time. Going to a 4th Tier bowl game is hardly a reward for anything. But they need to graciously accept the bid and think about getting another win. Because wins have been really, really precious this year. With so few of them.
I don't disagree with him but deserving or not if you're offered then you might as well accept.

These days I'm not even sure 6 win teams are deserving of a bowl but then again we have too many bowls so the pool grows..
I think the NCAA should raise the needed wins to 7. There are too many bowls right now. A lot are losing money and nobody cares about them. People used the argument the playoffs would ruin the regular season. I think having 41 bowls hurts the regular season. It really isn't an accomplishment to make a bowl when over half the teams make them.
We will get more out of playing in a bowl game this year than last year with having changing Head Coaches and staff.

We all know we're not worthy of playing in one but we won't be the only 5-7 team playing in one because they have too many bowl games in the first place.
How about maybe it is fun for the kids and a reward for all their hard work whether an under-6-win team "deserves" to be there or not. How about the participation trophy people, including Bell lighten up and think about what it means to the players to go on a trip where they have some time to see some sights and get some bling? So what if it is Detroit? They can go to one of the best museums in the world and go to a hockey game, stuff like that. People get so wrapped up in the record, the staff, the AD, whether it is "right" to go to a bowl, they forget young human beings are playing the games who like to have a good time just like the rest of us.
I've never understood the consternation over the number of teams going to a bowl game. Throughout history, the overwhelming majority of bowl games have been exhibition games for entertainment purposes with no bearing on the national championship. Who is harmed by having 40 bowl games instead of 39, or 29, or 5?

The days of bowl games being a "reward" for a great season have been gone for decades.
Kenny has always said some really "interesting" things on social media. He should stop and think once in awhile, but of course then no one would follow him.

Like newAD posted above, the NCAA sanctioned 40 bowl games. What do they think was going to happen? The days of going to a bowl game as a reward for having a good season are long since over.
It's like when we got into the national championship game in 2001 despite not even winning our division. Did we deserve to be there? No. Did I feel guilty or bad about being there anyway? Not at all. Somebody's got to fill these bowl slots. So why not us?
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Word has it, he took a break 7 times before finishing the tweet.


There you go. Try to invalidate his opinion by pointing out flaws in his game. Because, you know, they are related?
Im not arguing his opinion, I think he is right, no 5 win team deserves to be in a bowl game. I just don't think he make it in the NFL.
No. I will laugh at both. The original statement and the spin after. If he was a man of his word he would work out at YSU instead of here with the staff he trashes until the microphone or cameras come on.
You sure have an obsession with YSU. Why is that? Does someone haunt your dreams much? lol