Just read James Franklins comments…

James Franklin used offensive players in his examples. No one on offense got boo’d. Kirk even acknowledged that some of the defensive injuries were legit and he hopes those guys are ok. It’s the handful of guys that went out for one play or two, right after big Iowa plays.
James Franklin used offensive players in his examples. No one on offense got boo’d. Kirk even acknowledged that some of the defensive injuries were legit and he hopes those guys are ok. It’s the handful of guys that went out for one play or two, right after big Iowa plays.
James Franklin is low rent. Kirk sure likes to not let it lie and move on which tells me he is even lower rent. Iowa fans have been scum of the earth for years. In short, there is no good vs evil in this pissing match, only a bunch of jackasses.
James Franklin used offensive players in his examples. No one on offense got boo’d. Kirk even acknowledged that some of the defensive injuries were legit and he hopes those guys are ok. It’s the handful of guys that went out for one play or two, right after big Iowa plays.
Franklin announced star defensive tackle PJ Mustipher, who Iowa fans booed after he went down early in the game, will miss the rest of the season with an injury. The very thought of Mustipher's injury and the Iowa fans' reception caused Franklin to get existential about the game. (This dude, PJ, must be a method actor and just really gets into character so he is going to keep being fake injured for the rest of the season)

"Put yourselves in the shoes of a parent," Franklin added. "Your son is down on the field with the injury … and your stadium is booing him … I just told you PJ Mustipher is out for the year with an injury and we're booing. Is that good for college football?"

Yikes, not a good look.

What about the Iowa coach that faked like he was hurt to make fun of the PSU player that was hurt?

What do you think his punishment should be and be honest.
From a fan's perspective -- this is frustrating as hell.

A couple years ago against Indiana, that was gong on left and right any time we tried to go up tempo. A few times two players went down after a play, only to have one of them get back up.
Crowd did not boo the first injured guy. He was hurt

There were two guys that simply faked injuries , period. And one flopped
Coach showed the ref the same thing

You guys would have been booing too. . Two were back in after one play

Granted not up temp team 90 percent of the time but both flops , sorry they were , happened after nice plays
I listened and watched the video of Franklin talking about this. One part I noticed is how he emphasized the one time the Iowa crowd didn't boo was when the PSU white QB was injured. Franklin thought that was odd, why him?
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For shit's sake, Nebraska has had multiple opponent use the fake injury BS to slow us down at times. I'm sure there was booing in the stadium, if maybe not at the Iowa level. Whatever. I long for the days of stoic coaches that didn't whine about everything. Also, Iowa's coaches are a bunch of morons that should show some class just in case they ever win something of importance.
James Franklin is low rent. Kirk sure likes to not let it lie and move on which tells me he is even lower rent. Iowa fans have been scum of the earth for years. In short, there is no good vs evil in this pissing match, only a bunch of jackasses.
but hey, they wave at the kids.
Crowd did not boo the first injured guy. He was hurt

There were two guys that simply faked injuries , period. And one flopped
Coach showed the ref the same thing

You guys would have been booing too. . Two were back in after one play

Granted not up temp team 90 percent of the time but both flops , sorry they were , happened after nice plays
So just to be clear, the coach making fun of of a player that may possibly be hurt, in your book, is all good.

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For shit's sake, Nebraska has had multiple opponent use the fake injury BS to slow us down at times. I'm sure there was booing in the stadium, if maybe not at the Iowa level. Whatever. I long for the days of stoic coaches that didn't whine about everything. Also, Iowa's coaches are a bunch of morons that should show some class just in case they ever win something of importance.
I mean didn’t we boo when Indiana was flopping all over the field a few years ago?
I was going to say this as well. We did it to Indiana. When it happens in our stadium again, we will do it again. The booing fans will happen everywhere we see stuff like this. Sometimes, the player will be legitimately injured. It is what it is.

Iowa’s coach, however, is not a fan, and should hold himself to a higher standard. But maybe standards are pretty low there. Sure seems like coaches can get away with a lot of stuff there.
As frustrating as this is (I think Indiana had 436 separate 'injuries' when we played them a couple years ago) I would much rather see us use this to our advantage (do it a lot) vs. the conference passing a rule against it fir the refs to enforce.

Reason? They'll pass a rule. It'll go into the rulebook. 5 years will pass without it ever being called, even though every team has injuries every game. Nobody remembers it's a rule.

Fast forward to the night before the Nebraska / Michigan game 2027. One of the refs is reading her rulebook and comes across the rule. It becomes a point of discussion with the crew on game day, who decide that today's as good a day as any to test it out.

Nebraska's first injury occurs on a play where our safety makes an INT in the red zone.

Flagged. INT overturned and half the distance to the goal. Michigan punches it in next play. Injured player is ultimately determined to have a torn ACL. Too bad for us. They thought he was faking.

Piles of waterhead Iowa fans fire up their Gateway 2000's and brownout the dial up servers -- tripping all over themselves to rush in here and remind everyone this is, in fact, a rule.

Game ends with us losing by two points when Adrian Martinez, in his 10th year of eligibility due to covid -- scrambles instead of clocking the ball on the 10 yard line with no timeouts. He fights valiantly for the extra yard instead of throwing the incompletion, time expires as he makes it to the 9.
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I was going to say this as well. We did it to Indiana. When it happens in our stadium again, we will do it again. The booing fans will happen everywhere we see stuff like this. Sometimes, the player will be legitimately injured. It is what it is.

Iowa’s coach, however, is not a fan, and should hold himself to a higher standard. But maybe standards are pretty low there. Sure seems like coaches can get away with a lot of stuff there.
I think this is what all normal people would agree with as well.

Look, we know those coaches went back to the coaches office and were like "did you see how to _______________ ____________ were acting with those ________________ _______________ fake injuries! " and then they probably dropped on the floor of the coaches office and pretended to be hurt.

I get that, me and the guys I have coached with do that stuff all the time. But we don't do it on the field, during a game. That is where it is wrong.
That's weak. Sportsmanship is supposed to be part of the game as well - there's a good reason soccer players are mocked for this. That's not what football (or any sport) is supposed to be about.
If it's unsportsmanship then they should be penalized as there's a rule against that. No call means it OK.