First thunderboomer, and I mean BOOMER as in shook the house and rattled the windows, of the season rolled through while I was transplanting plants into larger containers.
The cloud was heavy/dark enough that the flash lit up the whole world above. Shorty thereafter the whole world shook. Many reverberations/echo's bouncing around in the mountains.
It was short lived but impressive nonetheless.
It's one of those classic "if you don't like the weather wait a minute" days. Flash/bang, sun-breaks, heavy rain, light rain, hail, STRONG downdraft winds followed by dead calm. Anyway, the air smells wonderfully fresh and rain washed.
The cloud was heavy/dark enough that the flash lit up the whole world above. Shorty thereafter the whole world shook. Many reverberations/echo's bouncing around in the mountains.
It was short lived but impressive nonetheless.
It's one of those classic "if you don't like the weather wait a minute" days. Flash/bang, sun-breaks, heavy rain, light rain, hail, STRONG downdraft winds followed by dead calm. Anyway, the air smells wonderfully fresh and rain washed.