With Jaysker season approaching fast, I thought I'd offer up a truly vomit
worthy stroll through my scale of hate for these idiots. But first, let me
say that there are acceptable levels of Jayskerism. Here they are:
1. Alum of Creighton, but grew up a Husker Football fan -->
2. Fan of Kansas Jayhawk Basketball and Husker Football --> Because they
are too good to hate NUBB, and need something during football season.
And that is it. On to the Jaysker Hate Scale
Defcon 5 --> General annoyance easily dismissed:
Defcon 4 --> Elevated annoyance coupled with mild levels of active hate:
Defcon 3 --> Past annoyance into active hate, with slight desire to punch.
Almost no chance of being friends or family with:
Defcon 2 --> Active Hate where a fight is gonna break out eventually:
Defcon 1 --> State of war:
worthy stroll through my scale of hate for these idiots. But first, let me
say that there are acceptable levels of Jayskerism. Here they are:
1. Alum of Creighton, but grew up a Husker Football fan -->
- Roots for Husker Football and Bluejay basketball.
- Might on occasion wear a blue sweatervest to a CUBB home game, but never talks junk to husker basketball fans because this person is smart enough to know Husker Football binds the state.
- Probably roots for NUBB when they are not playing Creighton
2. Fan of Kansas Jayhawk Basketball and Husker Football --> Because they
are too good to hate NUBB, and need something during football season.
And that is it. On to the Jaysker Hate Scale
Defcon 5 --> General annoyance easily dismissed:
- Alumnus of both Creighton & Nebraska, but only roots for CUBB and NUFB.
- Minimal if any junk talk.
- Probably only goes to CUBB games to be seen and socialize
Defcon 4 --> Elevated annoyance coupled with mild levels of active hate:
- Creighton Alum from out of state
- Rabid CUBB fan but has grown to like NUFB.
- Openly talks smack against husker basketball fans and carries a general arrogance
Defcon 3 --> Past annoyance into active hate, with slight desire to punch.
Almost no chance of being friends or family with:
- Lives in Omaha, but neither an alum of Creighton or Nebraska.
- Season ticket holder to both CUBB and NUFB, but openly roots against NUBB and will talk junk to any husker basketball fan at any time, especially at games when the two are playing.
- All smack talk is unprovoked because they are pricks.
Defcon 2 --> Active Hate where a fight is gonna break out eventually:
- Lives in Omaha
- Alum of Creighton
- Rabid & knowledgable Husker football fan.
- High fives you at football games, flips you off at basketball games
- Defines arrogance and beligerance
Defcon 1 --> State of war:
- Fan of both CUBB & NUFB
- Member of RSS
- Uses RSS at times to talk junk against NUBB and our fans