James Franklin to Florida?

Not saying it could happen, just thought it was interesting that Rhule was mentioned.

Chris Klieman (Kansas State)​

Topp's pitch: Klieman wins. Consistently. He won four FCS national championships at North Dakota State, and he's doing well in the Big 12. His loyalty to Kansas State might be problematic, though.

Adams' reaction: I like it. I appreciate guys who win national championships, even at a lower level. All you can do is win the title you're eligible to win. He did. Repeatedly. He's steadily achieved at K-State, too. Florida could do much worse.

A rebuttal candidate​

Adams' pitch: Matt Rhule (Nebraska). He's inherited a bigger mess than what he'd encounter at Florida. Remember, Rhule stepped in after Art Briles at Baylor. He did a remarkable job there. He previously excelled at Temple, and he's gotten Nebraska back on track in Year 2. Rhule doesn't stay in one place for long. Maybe, he'd fancy his first crack at the SEC.

Topp's reaction: You've got my attention, but could Florida get Rhule's attention? He's got a good thing going at Nebraska with star freshman quarterback Dylan Raiola. Why leave?

Here’s the entire article for anyone who wants to read it

Florida Candidates
I don’t think we are back on track yet and I still think the coaching ladder was the motivator. Strike while the iron is hot. Nebraska will make the money not be an issue for anyone trying to poach him. And if he does what I think he can at Nebraska - he will be worth every penny. Hopefully he’s the highest paid coach in football in a few years because of the results he is driving.
Rhule isn’t going to Florida. Penn St is probably the only school he’d jump to.
Thats not really a good thing though. It means coaches get fired here instead of hired away.
It means we had 2 that stayed until retirement because they didn’t see anywhere better to be. The rest we fired. Be nice to get back to having someone stay to retirement.
As a lifelong Pennsylvanian I'm fairly certain the entire state would erupt into a month long celebration if that were to happen.
More money won't be the motivator for Rhule to go any place else. First, Nebraska can pay him to stay but second, I think he's satisfied with the huge contract he's already got and he doesn't define his success by being the biggest paid. As said before by others, coaching at his alma mater might be the only thing that takes him out of Lincoln IMO.
Penn St. is and should always be tainted by what was allowed to go on there. Why anyone would want to go back there or send their kid there is beyond me.
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Why would Kiff leave Ole Miss?

That is a great job with no real pressure and he can get paid the same there as he would at UF. I don't think people realize how lame Ole Miss FB has been for the last 100 year. They have only been decent in the last 15 years or so...that is a nice chill laid back gig that pays great and has easy recruiting.
And has the hottest fan base of college gals, hands down
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And has the hottest fan base of college gals, hands down
And is getting more and more popular! I have sent about 6 students there the last 3 years or so. Before that, none, ever. Ole Miss has become very popular, even for Omaha kids (if they are rich) and it helps that it has a 97% acceptance rate.
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And is getting more and more popular! I have sent about 6 students there the last 3 years or so. Before that, none, ever. Ole Miss has become very popular, even for Omaha kids (if they are rich) and it helps that it has a 97% acceptance rate.
I’m a really pathetic fan of theirs. I just like their unis. I like Kiff too and over the years he’s built a really cool offense out of the wide splits. So I tune into the games and wonder why I spent 4 years looking at the women of Purdue. Our hottest sorority girl would be just another person in the crowd there
I’m a really pathetic fan of theirs. I just like their unis. I like Kiff too and over the years he’s built a really cool offense out of the wide splits. So I tune into the games and wonder why I spent 4 years looking at the women of Purdue. Our hottest sorority girl would be just another person in the crowd there

Right? A Purdue 10 is like an Ole Miss 5.

Plus, and I know this sounds weird, girls at Ole Miss actually WANT to meet guys and have fun, they totally know that their time at Ole Miss is THEIR time to have fun and be hot.

Right? A Purdue 10 is like an Ole Miss 5.

Plus, and I know this sounds weird, girls at Ole Miss actually WANT to meet guys and have fun, they totally know that their time at Ole Miss is THEIR time to have fun and be hot.
There are so many more pretty women in the south. My theory is they’re outside more getting the power of the sun and being more active. Also, more successful people eventually move there for the weather and pretty parents have pretty kids.

You are also correct about them being more flirtatious. If a hot girl went to the bars at Purdue you had to wait in her line just to get in a fight
And is getting more and more popular! I have sent about 6 students there the last 3 years or so. Before that, none, ever. Ole Miss has become very popular, even for Omaha kids (if they are rich) and it helps that it has a 97% acceptance rate.

Yeah, it has definitely become a destination school for dumb rich kids.
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I’m a really pathetic fan of theirs. I just like their unis. I like Kiff too and over the years he’s built a really cool offense out of the wide splits. So I tune into the games and wonder why I spent 4 years looking at the women of Purdue. Our hottest sorority girl would be just another person in the crowd there

Not to mention some of the best tailgating in college football. Not in a sleeveless shirts and jean shorts with table slams kind of way. More in a southern gentlemen caviar and cocktail party kind of way.
There are so many more pretty women in the south. My theory is they’re outside more getting the power of the sun and being more active. Also, more successful people eventually move there for the weather and pretty parents have pretty kids.

You are also correct about them being more flirtatious. If a hot girl went to the bars at Purdue you had to wait in her line just to get in a fight
In 1999, my son was playing in a baseball tournament in Daytona Beach. He and 2 of his teammates were going to rent a little dune buggy, where you could drive along that beautiful beach.

I said, "Bullshit!! You think I'm letting you guys go out there and maybe get in trouble?
I'm going with you and supervise."

It was a warm ride, the scenery was unreal, so many stops and starts. I told the guys don't worry about returning the buggy so fast, I'll get the late fee.
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Not to mention some of the best tailgating in college football. Not in a sleeveless shirts and jean shorts with table slams kind of way. More in a southern gentlemen caviar and cocktail party kind of way.
This sounds like Bucket List material. I’ve known people who are on their way to visiting every national park or major league stadium. But going to game days at some of the best universities would be pretty great. There are certain things that make the US special. The old west, jazz and rivalry (real) football are a few that come to mind that are uniquely American.
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The power of Instagram?

Not sure how it's ended up that way. But it has. It's for kids with money who can't get into anywhere prestigious. Somehow it's ended up being acceptable for high society people. I mean, don't get me wrong, when one upper class person tells another their kid goes to Ole Miss, everyone in the conversation knows that means the kid isn't real bright. But it's not frowned upon because, hey at least you're well heeled enough to know to send your dumb kid there. Maybe it's always been that way, hell I don't know.
Not sure how it's ended up that way. But it has. It's for kids with money who can't get into anywhere prestigious. Somehow it's ended up being acceptable for high society people. I mean, don't get me wrong, when one upper class person tells another their kid goes to Ole Miss, everyone in the conversation knows that means the kid isn't real bright. But it's not frowned upon because, hey at least you're well heeled enough to know to send your dumb kid there. Maybe it's always been that way, hell I don't know.
It is odd when you think about it. Mississippi ranks number one for obesity and illiteracy. Those two alone lead me to have a pretty low opinion of the state in general.
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Mississippi is sort of TWO places though...Oxford area which is pretty well off, very nice and so on...and then the rest of the state!
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Mississippi is sort of TWO places though...Oxford area which is pretty well off, very nice and so on...and then the rest of the state!

Yeah it’s kinda like our version of Mexico. There’s almost no middle class. There’s a handful of wealthy and the rest is third world shithole
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I’m a really pathetic fan of theirs. I just like their unis. I like Kiff too and over the years he’s built a really cool offense out of the wide splits. So I tune into the games and wonder why I spent 4 years looking at the women of Purdue. Our hottest sorority girl would be just another person in the crowd there
Those unis are sweet