Its official. NU has a useless Board of Regents!!

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Regardless of the issues at the university, trev chose to put himself above the program. Really disappointing to see a “husker” abandon the cause. I hope we succeed at resurrecting the program and he doesn’t get to share in that moment. I hope if we fail, he knows he failed his Alma mater. I hope he fails at A&M and can’t get a P5 job again. As much as I don’t want to be small and petty, the idea of one of our own abandoning the university, department, program, state and fanbase at a crucial moment of need makes me sick. I do not wish him the best, as he chose himself over us.
Regardless of the issues at the university, trev chose to put himself above the program. Really disappointing to see a “husker” abandon the cause. I hope we succeed at resurrecting the program and he doesn’t get to share in that moment. I hope if we fail, he knows he failed his Alma mater. I hope he fails at A&M and can’t get a P5 job again. As much as I don’t want to be small and petty, the idea of one of our own abandoning the university, department, program, state and fanbase at a crucial moment of need makes me sick. I do not wish him the best, as he chose himself over us.
Exactly. He bailed. If there were issues, make them public. They going to fire him? I doubt it.
That name no longer has any meaning for me.

Don’t get me wrong: the Board of Regents is utterly incompetent. Pitiful. A joke. But they’ve been all of those things for a long time. They were all of those things when he signed his extension four months ago. And Trev was starting to succeed in spite of them, not because of them.

So for him to choose to do this now—with HIS football program trying to get off life support and without even a full-time president to hire his replacement—is either out of control ego or greed. Either way, it’s the biggest sellout move I have ever seen by someone who allegedly loves this university.
I don't know how much former VB Coach Terry Pettit really knows, but probably way more than I do.

"The reports on Twitter today indicate Nebraska AD Trev Alberts is leaving Lincoln for Texas A&M. I have not seen a response from Trev, but I suspect it is likely true. Some people think it is because of money. I do not. He had the opportunity to leave UNO several times for more prestigious institutions that would have tripled his salary. His bump in salary this past year is still less than what the Husker QB will make for the season.

But money is not the reason in my mind. My Twitter response is below. Nebraska still hasn't replaced Ted Carter. Pete Ricketts ran off Ronnie Green, the chancellor who knew more about agriculture in the state than any previous university chancellor or president, and I suspect Governor
Pillen's focus on cutting the funding to the university has directly impacted Trev Albert's decision.

The University doesn't fund athletics, but when the funding to the University is cut, the University has to seek out major donors to continue its mission and that impacts the giving to Nebraska athletics. Coach Ruhle came to Nebraska because of Trev. Trev came to Nebraska because of Ted Carter.

The politics of the last two governors have driven them out. IMO, there is more to come. Title IX never would have passed in today's political climate. In 1972, both Democrats and Republicans believed in the opportunities Title IX would create for women and minorities. That isn't the case today.

Trev Alberts leaving is not just an issue of who the athletic director is at the University of Nebraska. It is an issue about whether or not the State of Nebraska wants a healthy public university."
I have to think there's more to the story which will come out eventually. Too abrupt of a change after signing the extension. My guess would be that lawsuit.
I don't know how much former VB Coach Terry Pettit really knows, but probably way more than I do.

"Nebraska still hasn't replaced Ted Carter. Pete Ricketts ran off Ronnie Green, the chancellor who knew more about agriculture in the state than any previous university chancellor or president, and I suspect Governor Pillen's focus on cutting the funding to the university has directly impacted Trev Albert's decision."
I don't agree with Pettit regarding Pillon affecting Albert's decision. But then I'm not an insider so what do I know?

One thing that I do know is that negativity breeds more negativity. All of the political negativity certainly is not helping.
I don't know how much former VB Coach Terry Pettit really knows, but probably way more than I do.

"The reports on Twitter today indicate Nebraska AD Trev Alberts is leaving Lincoln for Texas A&M. I have not seen a response from Trev, but I suspect it is likely true. Some people think it is because of money. I do not. He had the opportunity to leave UNO several times for more prestigious institutions that would have tripled his salary. His bump in salary this past year is still less than what the Husker QB will make for the season.

But money is not the reason in my mind. My Twitter response is below. Nebraska still hasn't replaced Ted Carter. Pete Ricketts ran off Ronnie Green, the chancellor who knew more about agriculture in the state than any previous university chancellor or president, and I suspect Governor
Pillen's focus on cutting the funding to the university has directly impacted Trev Albert's decision.

The University doesn't fund athletics, but when the funding to the University is cut, the University has to seek out major donors to continue its mission and that impacts the giving to Nebraska athletics. Coach Ruhle came to Nebraska because of Trev. Trev came to Nebraska because of Ted Carter.

The politics of the last two governors have driven them out. IMO, there is more to come. Title IX never would have passed in today's political climate. In 1972, both Democrats and Republicans believed in the opportunities Title IX would create for women and minorities. That isn't the case today.

Trev Alberts leaving is not just an issue of who the athletic director is at the University of Nebraska. It is an issue about whether or not the State of Nebraska wants a healthy public university."
So since funding is down Trev just says "I quit"? Seems kind a cop out to me.

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