It would be Awesome if!!

Less than 1%, I think in theory he liked the idea of coming here, but in practicality he never really wanted to. Sounds like OU is going to be where he ends up.
I never really understood these top guys wanting to go to an already successful/ top talent, loaded school. He goes to a place like, FL st, or OU or Clemson he has to compete with 10 other guys just as talented as him. The odds of him getting playing time right away is much less, than lets say him coming here. He would more than likely be top dog here and probably get playing time right away. He could have 4 years to develop and show his talent here.
To me it would be more rewarding to come to place where he could say I was a part of rebuilding that vs I was just another cog in the already successful wheel.
I've wondered about that too.....regarding going to places with so much talent. But they also want to go some place that plays in bowl games and competes for Championships and this year really set us back. I think SF is going to be a great recruiter in time but its going to take all three recruiting nuggets in place to get top classes. Facilities, Great recruiters/coaches and winning. The third is holding us back right now and number 2 is barely getting going. I think class 2020 could be something special.
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He was committed to Nebraska for six months.
Committed to Nebraska or committed to Riley? If he was committed to Nebraska, why decommit? If he was committed to Riley, why isn't he going to Oregon State? Why take other visits if you're "committed" to a school? Nothing ridiculous in those questions. Perhaps we all need to understand what the word committed means.
Committed to Nebraska or committed to Riley? If he was committed to Nebraska, why decommit? If he was committed to Riley, why isn't he going to Oregon State? Why take other visits if you're "committed" to a school? Nothing ridiculous in those questions. Perhaps we all need to understand what the word committed means.

The statement he was NEVER coming to Nebraska is, in fact, ridiculous, when he was committed for 6 months. Sure he was committed to the staff that recruited him, most commits are, just look how many we lost. You want lecture kids on the meaning of commitment, be my guest, but that is really a separate discussion.
I hope he chooses UCLA were 5 star recruits go to die....OU would suck because we would have to play him in a few years
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