...Barry Switzer: 32 Minutes and 42 Seconds With Barry Switzer
Switzer on Marcus Dupree: "I sent Billy Sims on a big private jet to Philadelphia, Mississippi, to bring Marcus to Oklahoma before National Signing Day. Billy Sims comes off the jet in his cowboy hat, blue jeans, big belt buckle, Rolex, and his national championship ring. Here he is, Billy Sims, NFL Rookie of the Year, and Marcus is surprised to see Billy get off the jet to pick him up. Marcus takes Billy back to school and introduces him to everyone in Philadelphia, Mississippi, before they get back on the plane to come back to Oklahoma. Marcus was sold after that. "
Switzer on Billy Sims: "I told Billy to hide out for two days. I wanted to sign Kenny King — hell, I wanted to sign every player in Texas, which I damn near did. I signed 13 of the 19 blue-chip list that year. Kenny King, Daryl Hunt, the Tabor twins, Greg Roberts, Thomas Lott, Billy Sims, and several others. But I can’t be everywhere, and Kenny wanted me to sign him at 8 a.m. Once I told Billy to hide out, he went to Houston with his dad for two days. I sold him on it when I told him that once the smoke clears, everyone is going to be wondering where’d Billy sign? And then you’re going to get all of the attention and all the press when you sign. He kind of liked that idea. Two days later, he surfaces in Hooks, Texas, and all the attention and media in the country is given to him."
Switzer on what former OU legend and eight-time All-Pro tight end Keith Jackson said that his mother said about about Switzer: “You know, he’s the only head coach that has ever been in my home who’s ever made me feel comfortable in my home,” said Gladys Jackson.
THAT is how you recruit with the big boys.
The game has changed, but the essential elements haven't: understanding human nature, connecting with people and manipulating them, and being crafty as hell.
That's why nice guys finish last.
Switzer on Marcus Dupree: "I sent Billy Sims on a big private jet to Philadelphia, Mississippi, to bring Marcus to Oklahoma before National Signing Day. Billy Sims comes off the jet in his cowboy hat, blue jeans, big belt buckle, Rolex, and his national championship ring. Here he is, Billy Sims, NFL Rookie of the Year, and Marcus is surprised to see Billy get off the jet to pick him up. Marcus takes Billy back to school and introduces him to everyone in Philadelphia, Mississippi, before they get back on the plane to come back to Oklahoma. Marcus was sold after that. "
Switzer on Billy Sims: "I told Billy to hide out for two days. I wanted to sign Kenny King — hell, I wanted to sign every player in Texas, which I damn near did. I signed 13 of the 19 blue-chip list that year. Kenny King, Daryl Hunt, the Tabor twins, Greg Roberts, Thomas Lott, Billy Sims, and several others. But I can’t be everywhere, and Kenny wanted me to sign him at 8 a.m. Once I told Billy to hide out, he went to Houston with his dad for two days. I sold him on it when I told him that once the smoke clears, everyone is going to be wondering where’d Billy sign? And then you’re going to get all of the attention and all the press when you sign. He kind of liked that idea. Two days later, he surfaces in Hooks, Texas, and all the attention and media in the country is given to him."
Switzer on what former OU legend and eight-time All-Pro tight end Keith Jackson said that his mother said about about Switzer: “You know, he’s the only head coach that has ever been in my home who’s ever made me feel comfortable in my home,” said Gladys Jackson.
THAT is how you recruit with the big boys.
The game has changed, but the essential elements haven't: understanding human nature, connecting with people and manipulating them, and being crafty as hell.
That's why nice guys finish last.