It is time to dump adidas


Defensive Coordinator
Aug 8, 2014
Nebraska should be the first to jump on the Big Baller Brand for all of its athletic programs .. the shoes alone sell for $495 ..... :rolleyes: #sarcasm

similar to Michigan adopting the Jordan jumpman for not only basketball but also football


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Call me a hater but I want Alonzo to fail in the NBA soooo badly. I can't stand this family.

Don't usually root for a complete catastrophe, but I'm making an exception in this case. You watch, his son will get at least two coaches fired, and LaVar will still blame something else for his son not living to live up to the hype.
They honestly remind me of the Stephon Marbury shoes, what were those like 10 bucks?
for a long time, i was against this brand, it's been so long now, that I think they are becoming cool again.. I think the last time they were cool was the run dmc era.. i think i was in high school then lol

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A couple of random unrelated thoughts here.

Name me one brand that actually uses the word "brand" in their name. Horrible name.

I feel bad for the kids who likely will miss out on some lucrative marketing deals and shoe deals because their dad is such an ass.

While Lavar is alienating, his methods are generating more buzz than possibly any standard "launch" would generate. His shoes have been on ESPN studios all day long. There's a ton of social media buzz and even celebrities that are jumping in. I'm not trying to make this post political, but our President took a similar approach of saying things that maybe alienated some people but the buzz he generated was welcome to a large population.

Ultimately, I hope they aren't successful, but usually when people disrupt industries, it is never polite or without controversy, so maybe they will make more by going alone instead of relying on the big shoe brands to bring in the money. Time will tell.
It's a shame that Lonzo has that albatross tied around his neck. I'm rooting for LaVar to fail for sure. Really don't wish it on his son. However, his son may become a casualty of his father's behavior. He better hope he tears it up in the league.
Looks like a cross between a Walmart product and an ortho shoe.

Also, asking for a friend...does it come with imitation gold chain with a plastic BB on it?
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Something tells me one BBB (Better Business Bureau) will be contacting the other BBB before all is said and done.
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One of the few times I enjoyed listening to Stephen A. Smith. Pretty funny exchange. To be honest, I fear that Lavar Ball's mouth is really going to get him in big trouble someday. As in someone is going to take him out.

1st rule of ALL branding - Expecially in a space like fashion - Cater to women. Women generally control a good portion of what everyone in their household wears.

Branding anything in the fashion space with Big Baller is a complete fail.
as much as everyone claims to dislike balldad, the national media and sportsfans seem to hang on his every word. no matter how delusional it may be. which is more disturbing. we all need to quit listening to this drivel...self included.

and no, i don't want the kid to fail just because balldad is a jackass.
That dad is the most annoying man on the planet. I hope his son's become superstars and shun him for being an idiot.
for a long time, i was against this brand, it's been so long now, that I think they are becoming cool again.. I think the last time they were cool was the run dmc era.. i think i was in high school then lol

Adidas has never stopped being cool.
You can not go wrong wearing 3 stripe suede Adidas.

Trust me on this.
Get some suede Adidas and ditch your dad shoes or your uglyass nikes.
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One more thing, no white tennis shoes and jeans.

It doesn't make you look casual, it just makes you look bad.
Girls don't like it.
I was in the market for some new running shoes.. tried the Nike stuff, none of it fit or felt right. Tried the Adidas Energy Cloud WTC. Really nice comfortable and light shoe. Quiet shoe on the treadmill at the gym today. I remembered what you said @c2o (no white tennis shoes) so this is what I got.
/// #3StripeLife

Id love it if our Huskers went with Under Armour or Nike (Jordans would be up and beyond) but being real Adidas has came back in a big way and has some nice stuff, too. So being Adidas, Nike, Under Armour or Jordans, we'd be in good shape.
thats one of the sport shoes that i rock----best shoe i've had. by far outperforms anything i've ever had
By all reports I have read and heard, Lonzo is a tremendous teammate and the hardest working kid on the team. He will be successful. And, I imagine that NBA teams are pretty well equipped for dealing with this type of parent. I heard on the radio the other day that teams can fine the player for stuff the parent does, so I think wherever he goes the team will have some leverage to shut dad up - at least to an extent.

My guess is the one that is going to be the bigger issue - and more likley to be a bust - is the younger brother. I'm thinking Eddie Bird - type. I will bet Lonzo never sandbagged for an entire game to score 100 points.
here is another shoe i use. the husks should jump on the band wagon quick


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