A couple of random unrelated thoughts here.
Name me one brand that actually uses the word "brand" in their name. Horrible name.
I feel bad for the kids who likely will miss out on some lucrative marketing deals and shoe deals because their dad is such an ass.
While Lavar is alienating, his methods are generating more buzz than possibly any standard "launch" would generate. His shoes have been on ESPN studios all day long. There's a ton of social media buzz and even celebrities that are jumping in. I'm not trying to make this post political, but our President took a similar approach of saying things that maybe alienated some people but the buzz he generated was welcome to a large population.
Ultimately, I hope they aren't successful, but usually when people disrupt industries, it is never polite or without controversy, so maybe they will make more by going alone instead of relying on the big shoe brands to bring in the money. Time will tell.