Indiana Football


Head Coach
Apr 18, 2004
I like what Cignetti has done BUT their four opponents so far are a combined 3-11.

UCLA 1 - 2 (Hawaii)
Charlotte 1 - 3 (Gardner Webb)
W Illinois 0 - 3
FIU 1 - 3 (Central Michigan)

Nebraska would look just as impressive with their schedule.
What a missed opportunity by him.

Tell the kids to party hard before the game and to be in the stadium for kickoff. Don't tell them to not party.
went to IU, live in Nebraska. Dog's name is Hoosier. We're a Hoosier Husker Household! When they go head to head, I cheer for whichever team has a better chance at a national title in that year! i get just as mad when either of them lose!
Pick a team. Jeesh.
God I hope not. Cignitti is a winner no matter what level he coaches. I like Iowa how they are. Lol.
Ha...why leave to Iowa? He can make the same cash at Indiana and both schools have no history at all.

He is old, he will either end up staying at IU or at WVU, or, long shot PSU...
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