The unlikely story of a young man from Omaha, IA whose impoverished upbringing left him with only 2 friends, a pen and paper. He would use those friends to earn a scholarship to college and then build his empire. He founded a recruiting site and forum (which controversially permitted the posting of scantily clad women, much to the dismay of many conservative Nebraskans). He then used the site as a platform for his failed gubernatorial run, which many believe was a ploy to boost membership to his site.
This masterpiece of a film chronicles the life of a local legend and one-time rim-toucher, Dean O'Halogen.
Congrats, @Sean Callahan! Got in for the sneak preview last night! @Gregg Peterson, the camerawork is phenomenal!
The unlikely story of a young man from Omaha, IA whose impoverished upbringing left him with only 2 friends, a pen and paper. He would use those friends to earn a scholarship to college and then build his empire. He founded a recruiting site and forum (which controversially permitted the posting of scantily clad women, much to the dismay of many conservative Nebraskans). He then used the site as a platform for his failed gubernatorial run, which many believe was a ploy to boost membership to his site.
This masterpiece of a film chronicles the life of a local legend and one-time rim-toucher, Dean O'Halogen.
Congrats, @Sean Callahan! Got in for the sneak preview last night! @Gregg Peterson, the camerawork is phenomenal!