I'll admit it, the board content is not really enough for me to get through to the Wisconsin game and with about 27 more hours to go, I was curious, (major hypothetical here, so please don't waste your time responding "but we can't") if Nebraska could grab one current player from another team in conference who would you want to get?
Is it a position that you feel Nebraska is lacking, or is it simply an upgrade at a position that may already be considered a strength?
To me, Nebraska's wide receivers are already dynamite, so I probably wouldn't go there. I would guess we'll see some O-line responses, but curious if people would want the conference's best RB? Maybe QB? D-linemen?
Is it a position that you feel Nebraska is lacking, or is it simply an upgrade at a position that may already be considered a strength?
To me, Nebraska's wide receivers are already dynamite, so I probably wouldn't go there. I would guess we'll see some O-line responses, but curious if people would want the conference's best RB? Maybe QB? D-linemen?