I wanted to go. Had other family things going on. Was it good?Sorry. I was drunk last night after the Troubadours show.
I wanted to go. Had other family things going on. Was it good?Sorry. I was drunk last night after the Troubadours show.
Let's look at what she actually did. A) She was driving under the speed limit. B) She rear-ended someone. C) She wasn't under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
While this was a tragic event, due to the fact that this accident resulted in the death of someone, accidents happen all the time, and I don't see why throwing her in jail for a year will help anything.
I wanted to go. Had other family things going on. Was it good?
Good one.I didn't know anything about the accident, so when I saw the headline about being charged with manslaughter, I thought it was joke about someone wanting him charged with it for cutting his Johnson off.![]()
also technically a man because he has his man parts down belowHE should go to a men's prison since HE is a man by birth.
She was contemplating it in the early 80s...but being around that clan is enough to drive men to do some pretty crazy thingsI wonder if all those years spent around the Kardashian (sp) whores contributed to Bruce's decision to have a sex change.
No shit if you choose to jump on the media bandwagon.
the passive aggreesive hate and outright ignorance in this thread is gross
I'd like to know precisely what your problem is. No generalities, what was said that you have a real problem with.the passive aggreesive hate and outright ignorance in this thread is gross
Likely he will go to a half way house.
should go to a mental institution. IF he goes to prison that would be an interesting reality series. In any case, he should be locked up and the key thrown away. Self absorbed nut job cost somebody else their life by being so aborbed in his own drama that he couldn't pay attention to driving his vehicle. Courage Award my ass. Trophies for mental illness.
as far as i am concerned, one of the biggest jokes pulled off by an "award" group this country has seen.
wouldn't surprise me at all if they slap a bracelet on him and has to stay at home. it IS california.
He will go to a man's prison since Bruce Jenner is a man. A whacked out deranged depraved deviant who mutilated himself, nevertheless he is a man. If he stopped taking the expensive anti hormone medication he will be more of his natural man self.
Regardless of what happens to "it", this situation should be eye-opening to the myriad of questions/issues that comes along with gender change.
This won't be the last time gender change completely screws with our basic societal framework and institutions. It probably isn't the first time either...just happens to be a prominent case that the media just loves to embrace.
Lawrence Phillips needs a roommate, and doesn't like gang bangers. The freak Jenner will need protection in the joint. Two problems solved for the California Penial system.
If found guilty, prison may help to sort out his gender issues.
He was born a man. He lived his live and prospered as man.
Therefore, he is a man.
Getting boobs and dressing like a girl doesn't make you a girl.
Fame whore.
Just like everbody else in that "family"
Lots of people who don't care for him, for certain. He has mental health issues. Perhaps people shouldn't be piling on someone who is not 100%, but when he puts himself out there, in front of all the world, it is going to happen. Do you know Bruce personally? Not sure what ignorance has to do with it.I am quite comfortable in my stance on this one...like I said ...I dont get it but to each his own...
As someone else said, it is possible to think something is "gross" without hating the person. Are you saying it is wrong to have something other than a positive feeling toward Bruce? And "how they were born" applies to some, but not all. People should not be bullied because of mental health issues, choices they have made, or because of how they were Born. I suspect the disgust for Jenner has a lot to do with his TV history and him being branded some sort of hero.I see lgbt issues in one large basket ...20 years ago I would have thought it was gross, and probably made fun ....over time I have come to empathise with people that are basically considered social outcasts due to how they were born. Its tough and people calling them "it" or wishing harm on them just seems ignorant. Not really sure how else to describe it. I am at a middle school in LAUSD where one student was going through this transition and we have another this year...it cant be easy so I think being sympathetic is just one way to make things a little easier. People are pretty close minded and I believe the suicide rate for LGBT people is pretty high because of it.
I totally understand that point and agree...I would have respected the decision much more if there wasnt the profit/publicity that came with it
That is the thing.
Nobody is hating on random transgendered people.
People had a problem with Bruce and that family before he did what he's doing.
I've seen and heard enough from people over time to see the issue for what it is: people fear that if they accept LBGT people their own kids will turn out that way. I have kids and I can admit it would be hard for me to accept, particularly a transgender kid. But I also see the pain and the high suicide rate and realize that hate does more harm than good.