The Arkansas faithful is doing it again! You can't hear them? When they get out in front their fans do the pig sooey chant.What is the Pig Chant?!
Yea I couldn't hear it. Maybe I have selective hearingThe Arkansas faithful is doing it again! You can't hear them? When they get out in front their fans do the pig sooey chant.
Pork tastes goodWhat is the Pig Chant?!
You're ahead of me!23-21 Huskers
You better GBR broDamn. Arkansas just wouldn't go away. On to Tampa. @TampaBaySkers get your ass there and Go Big Red!!
I’m just thankful NU won the previous challenge, when it looked like there was a touch AND the ball landed in.Good win and congrats to the hogs but how did r2 not call in the net
Beaston is still the reason for the season
Beaston is still the reason for the season
That was a huge net violation. No idea how you don’t call that. I know camera angles are different, but that was terribleHuskers challenging for a net violation, I think this might be the Huskers winning.