How Old Are You?

Just How Old Are You?

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the interesting thing about the poll is seeing the fan base age dynamics on this site.. probably matches that of the fan base in general.. there are a lot of 40-60 year olds that make up that fan base, but who is adding to it? you see where I am going with this.
There are young fans

Message boards are antiquated
Yes. You would have thought that I asked for full name, SS#, party affiliation, gender, and marital status, by his response.

He just likes to go to extremes and he believes i'm profiling people. LOL

The only thing that I garnered from this poll is that most contributors to this forum are 40+. Which I guess explains some of the "get off my lawn" mentality that goes on from time to time. LOL
For sure
I'll give a topical hint as to my true age. I have been a Chiefs fan since they where in the old AFL. Pretty much since I've been old enough to be a football fan. And I mean a true fan, a genuine member of the Red Kingdom. Todd Blackledge tested my resolve but I hung in and am glad I did. Lots of lean years and disappointing near misses seem well worth it now. Feels a lot like the mid nineties with a different Big Red.

And to answer a question in a different thread, I have seen every Super Bowl. I hate that the numbers keep getting higher and higher.
Old enough to appreciate Trunk Monkey commercials. I was a 17 y/o who was looking for older hippie chicks protesting at Omaha University to buy my beer. Loved tubetops, hip huggers and bra burning.

Nebraska Alumni Association - One Tense Week in 1970Nebraska Alumni Association - One Tense Week in 1970340 × 230

Found a video of HBK and his posse throwing eggs at Kent Pavelka's Monte Carlo.....

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I was around 30. Actually started on the HS side of Rivals. Then when the Solich firing happened I was all in on the bantering and such. Have hung around since then.
i remember your bantering... we might have been rivals then😂
Yes. You would have thought that I asked for full name, SS#, party affiliation, gender, and marital status, by his response.

He just likes to go to extremes and he believes i'm profiling people. LOL

The only thing that I garnered from this poll is that most contributors to this forum are 40+. Which I guess explains some of the "get off my lawn" mentality that goes on from time to time. LOL
I garnered one more thing. There are not many Nebraska fans in my kids generation. Nebraska better get good again at some point or this place will be a ghost town once we pass on
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I garnered one more thing. There are not many Nebraska fans in my kids generation. Nebraska better get good again at some point or this place will be a ghost town once we pass on
For sure. My son in law is in his early 30's, he still gets upset when we lose (not the norm). My boys have not a care in the world. They want us to win but a loss is pretty much meaningless. I remember it crushing me for a week back in the day.
For sure. My son in law is in his early 30's, he still gets upset when we lose (not the norm). My boys have not a care in the world. They want us to win but a loss is pretty much meaningless. I remember it crushing me for a week back in the day.
You have to be 33 years old to even have a glimpse of Nebraska being a juggernaut. That would explain this thread in a nutshell
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Wait a ****ing second...

You didn't specify if this was OT either and you're clearly breaking board rules?

There's a special place in hell for you, Cav.
Wait a ****ing second...

You didn't specify if this was OT either and you're clearly breaking board rules?

There's a special place in hell for you, Cav.
That's what I've been told. There's about 5 of you on here that will be joining me then.

Val Kilmer Tombstone GIF by Giphy QA
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very early 30's.

i think it gives me a unique perspective in that i saw the very end of the Osborne recruits and witnessed the Solich downfall in real time.

many will argue that Solich shouldn't have been fired, but i remember the feeling of 2001 Colorado and 2002 Penn State. it was the feeling of a great thing coming to an end. teams like K-State and Texas Tech felt like titans.

to me, Nebraska football has always been missing their culture-defining win. thought for a brief moment we had it in 2009 against OU, or 2015 against Michigan State, but we all know how those stories went.

i just want fun wins against good teams again and a conference championship trophy in Lincoln, i have very little expectation of seeing our Huskers win a natty in the near future.
very early 30's.

i think it gives me a unique perspective in that i saw the very end of the Osborne recruits and witnessed the Solich downfall in real time.

many will argue that Solich shouldn't have been fired, but i remember the feeling of 2001 Colorado and 2002 Penn State. it was the feeling of a great thing coming to an end. teams like K-State and Texas Tech felt like titans.

to me, Nebraska football has always been missing their culture-defining win. thought for a brief moment we had it in 2009 against OU, or 2015 against Michigan State, but we all know how those stories went.

i just want fun wins against good teams again and a conference championship trophy in Lincoln, i have very little expectation of seeing our Huskers win a natty in the near future.
This is all very well said. Nothing to really disagree with.

Alas all good things must come to an end. The writing was on the wall in the early 2K's. We had dropped a bit and KSU, MO, and the rest of the whipping boys were no longer the programs of the past. As we lost some ground they were gaining it.

I said years back that we would never win another NC in my lifetime. Im 53 now. I hope I still have enough years to be wrong about my proclamation. It doesn't feel very promising at this point. But I agree that just winning some big games and maybe a CC would be a refreshing change and perhaps help catapult this sleeping giant.

Lastly I apologize if asking your age has left you feeling vulnerable and biased against. lol. @king_kong_
Reckon I’ll see ya’ll there
Yep...Rivals version of hell. Every day is January through August and Nebraska is great again. Then reality sets in and the same people become a bur in your saddle over and over and over.
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Yep...Rivals version of hell. Every day is January through August and Nebraska is great again. Then reality sets in and the same people become a bur in your saddle over and over and over.
It’s going to get better but I’ve said for at least 20 years that we’ll never be able to recreate the dynasty Tom built. If we can become a consistent 10 game winner/playoff team, that’s success. Maybe we get to a B1G title game once or twice in a decade.
If you were for firing Frank then most likely yes. LOL
I WAS for firing Frank....I was NOT for not having a plan in place

But I DO apologize for any unkind things I probably said...

I was rough on Billy Football as well....:(
I WAS for firing Frank....I was NOT for not having a plan in place

But I DO apologize for any unkind things I probably said...

I was rough on Billy Football as well....:(
There WAS a plan in place but Wannstedt stiffed Pedie at the last minute. In actuality while a bad fit, Callahan maybe was as good as it was going to get given the circumstances.
There WAS a plan in place but Wannstedt stiffed Pedie at the last minute. In actuality while a bad fit, Callahan maybe was as good as it was going to get given the circumstances.
Had Callahan retained Pelini, I think he would've had a pretty great career here.
There WAS a plan in place but Wannstedt stiffed Pedie at the last minute. In actuality while a bad fit, Callahan maybe was as good as it was going to get given the circumstances.
If Callie was not so stubborn in trying to put round pegs in square holes he would have done better. Actually, Riley was good at that his first year. He knew he had personnel based on a run game and he used it. Not to say he was a good coach for here tho.
If Callie was not so stubborn in trying to put round pegs in square holes he would have done better. Actually, Riley was good at that his first year. He knew he had personnel based on a run game and he used it. Not to say he was a good coach for here tho.
BC had his offense rolling until the I’ll fated Qb transfer. The problem was Cosgrove’s staff. Elmassian couldn’t coach a dog to roll in something rotten……some of us know dogs instinctually will roll in a rotten car it carcass.
Yup. Cos and the defense was the problem. Offense was rolling but we couldn't stop anyone
Was in my 20s. Started when Callahan was hired and NU was kicking ass in recruiting. Argued with some of the old school types. Bullmarket from the OU board. Manhatter from the Purple Kitty board. And our own Tulsa Tom arguing over Solich being fired. And Mitch Mustain somehow being the greatest QB ever. Lol

Oh the Manhatter…I remember those days.
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You know. You probably have the same barber.👈
not afraid to reveal my age 86 yrs old started listening to husker football in 1950 on a battery operated philco radio our house (shack) had no electricity or indoor plumbing being of mexican decent and working the fields in summer. my favorite husker was bobby reynolds ,then there was qb john bordogna, hb willie greenlaw all on radio. finally got a chance to travel with our bayard high football squad the seven hour trip to lincolln by car, in 1955 to see nebaska play oklahoma. born and bred nebraskan all the way . GBR

on summer
Had Callahan retained Pelini, I think he would've had a pretty great career here.
Would have never worked. Callahan never wanted to be here in the first place and he wouldnt have meshed with crazy ass Bo. I'm in the minority though. Having sat through every single Callahan home game and some road games, I think the guy was a dud.

There is a reason he went back to permanent oline coach. Everyone, himself included, knows he's not a HC.
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Absolutely awful defense…but so many fake offensive stats that were either rolled up vs K-State or when games were out of hand.
This 100%. It's almost like all these Callahan lovers never actually watched the games and just read the recruiting hype. The guy had it so easy. Multiple first day draft picks on D. High school kids had been watching us in NC games their entire life. We had a heisman winner a few years before. Conference was pure shit. And he does nothing.
If you haven't seen this, it is funny as hell RollingLaugh . The boomer whipping out the monopoly board and telling the millennial this is the only way you will ever own a house is classic. Wait for the ending. Gen X with a brief appearance.
I LAUGHING! So funny, so true! Thank you. Ah, living long has its advantages for me. To witness a lot of things through the years!😁😁😁
I'm 41. Grew up in a fantastic time and attended college right during the start of the crater. 2002-06. With that said, I still bleed red no matter what a spend a lot of money on travel, gear and other things NU that I probably shouldn't, but still love the Huskers. My girls are starting to become that way and at least they have Husker VB. They live and die with that like I did football as a kid. Football is starting to garner a little more attention as well and love that they are into NU sports as a whole. They kind of have to be because my wife is a Beaver (alum) fan and they suck at everything outside of baseball.
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