how mickey can become head coach


Offensive Coordinator
Jun 23, 2010
1. understand the players you have, and their abilites..(ex: don't force martinez to throw in redzone)
a. oline if better at run blocking, thus run a bit more...this can and will open up thompson's passing options..
and what from what I hear run the 3-4

2. call games like a big 10 coach, urban would not call a onside kick up by any quarter...conservative/play to your strenghts/see above

3. recruiting / nil ..vital, repeat, vital, how deep are we at each position..what needs to be filled? (see 6)

4. chew ass when needed...reguardless of who it is...3rd string or johney super star reciver..don't matter

4b. keep hammer down, if NU goes up by a touchdown or two, don't let the player feel they won the nfc championship...
there's plenty of discos in lincoln they can dance in AFTER THE GAME. (many of games we have lost danceing and letting a 1 score lead evaporate)

5. remember head coaches are role models for the state, no 304/for the streets behavior, like the celtics coach...see scripture..

6. develope a plan for the future to explain to trev...
a. our qb, rb and recivers are good , just need the oline to dial it in more..and this happens in 2 75% of the time and recruit/nil (see 1 and 3)
b. the dline and lb's need to be upgraded, many say chindler had the d running crazy angles and not lined up inprove that but think about the future also...
what is the vision for the defence?

7. don't dispare if they hire ruhle, a steady pay check in nebraska goes far, and it's not a police crime zone like louisanna..
a. help rulhe win a nc and if he moves on to a bama or osu high fluten job, then your a no brainer for hc..
1. understand the players you have, and their abilites..(ex: don't force martinez to throw in redzone)
a. oline if better at run blocking, thus run a bit more...this can and will open up thompson's passing options..
and what from what I hear run the 3-4

2. call games like a big 10 coach, urban would not call a onside kick up by any quarter...conservative/play to your strenghts/see above

3. recruiting / nil ..vital, repeat, vital, how deep are we at each position..what needs to be filled? (see 6)

4. chew ass when needed...reguardless of who it is...3rd string or johney super star reciver..don't matter

4b. keep hammer down, if NU goes up by a touchdown or two, don't let the player feel they won the nfc championship...
there's plenty of discos in lincoln they can dance in AFTER THE GAME. (many of games we have lost danceing and letting a 1 score lead evaporate)

5. remember head coaches are role models for the state, no 304/for the streets behavior, like the celtics coach...see scripture..

6. develope a plan for the future to explain to trev...
a. our qb, rb and recivers are good , just need the oline to dial it in more..and this happens in 2 75% of the time and recruit/nil (see 1 and 3)
b. the dline and lb's need to be upgraded, many say chindler had the d running crazy angles and not lined up inprove that but think about the future also...
what is the vision for the defence?

7. don't dispare if they hire ruhle, a steady pay check in nebraska goes far, and it's not a police crime zone like louisanna..
a. help rulhe win a nc and if he moves on to a bama or osu high fluten job, then your a no brainer for hc..
Probably not far off the mark imo.
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1. understand the players you have, and their abilites..(ex: don't force martinez to throw in redzone)
a. oline if better at run blocking, thus run a bit more...this can and will open up thompson's passing options..
and what from what I hear run the 3-4

2. call games like a big 10 coach, urban would not call a onside kick up by any quarter...conservative/play to your strenghts/see above

3. recruiting / nil ..vital, repeat, vital, how deep are we at each position..what needs to be filled? (see 6)

4. chew ass when needed...reguardless of who it is...3rd string or johney super star reciver..don't matter

4b. keep hammer down, if NU goes up by a touchdown or two, don't let the player feel they won the nfc championship...
there's plenty of discos in lincoln they can dance in AFTER THE GAME. (many of games we have lost danceing and letting a 1 score lead evaporate)

5. remember head coaches are role models for the state, no 304/for the streets behavior, like the celtics coach...see scripture..

6. develope a plan for the future to explain to trev...
a. our qb, rb and recivers are good , just need the oline to dial it in more..and this happens in 2 75% of the time and recruit/nil (see 1 and 3)
b. the dline and lb's need to be upgraded, many say chindler had the d running crazy angles and not lined up inprove that but think about the future also...
what is the vision for the defence?

7. don't dispare if they hire ruhle, a steady pay check in nebraska goes far, and it's not a police crime zone like louisanna..
a. help rulhe win a nc and if he moves on to a bama or osu high fluten job, then your a no brainer for hc..
Point number seven isn't in line with how Mickey becomes head coach. Rhule, not Ruhle.

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