Since we have a number of pedestrian "SF is on the way!" or "How long does he have?" posts. I thought I would try something different! Even though my own source poured cold water on our speculation at Moos and SF mind-reading and dared to say "Scott can still say no". I am going to wave my magic wand and say SF comes to NU and that he performs a miracle and turns NU football around. He even begins to replicate his success at UCF and after some short amount of time, he wins an national title.
So given my hypothetical, my question to everyone is: How long does he stay or does he go to the pros? Does anyone think SF would keep going at the college level or find new goals?
So given my hypothetical, my question to everyone is: How long does he stay or does he go to the pros? Does anyone think SF would keep going at the college level or find new goals?