How long does Frost stay?


Oct 28, 2017
Since we have a number of pedestrian "SF is on the way!" or "How long does he have?" posts. I thought I would try something different! Even though my own source poured cold water on our speculation at Moos and SF mind-reading and dared to say "Scott can still say no". I am going to wave my magic wand and say SF comes to NU and that he performs a miracle and turns NU football around. He even begins to replicate his success at UCF and after some short amount of time, he wins an national title.

So given my hypothetical, my question to everyone is: How long does he stay or does he go to the pros? Does anyone think SF would keep going at the college level or find new goals?
I think it's impossible to say, but I don't think one NC makes him leave for the pros. I see no evidence of his having any attachment to the NFL, and he had the bulk of his success at the college level and has always coached there (if memory serves). So, I think he'd stick around for a long time. I also don't see a reason why he'd leave NU, which is a championship school in your above scenario, for another school. If he somehow became Saban and won numerous national titles, maybe he'd get the itch to go to the pros. But, since we are just throwing crap against the wall anyway, I suspect it would take more than 3 titles because, well, that would make him the greatest coach in NU history.
If he can find success here. I don't see him really leaving. Usually the only reason a coach leaves a school is to go to a school that has better odds for success(he already turned one of those down). Or they get fired for not being good. If he fails here, he will probably not get another power 5 job in the near future. If he succeeds, he will be here until he retires or is no longer good. That is why I am so optimistic on him coming. We could have another dynasty in the making.
My first reaction is he won't leave any time soon...BUT it depends. If things go poorly.....could be a short tenure. Lots of success.....I think he sticks around as long as he wants. If he wins a few MNC quickly and the NFL is making it rain to get him to be a head coach....he might take the chance. I think he would be more careful than Chip Kelly but I think the desire to prove your skills on the biggest stage is always attractive.

He is not leaving to coach Colorado - like Osborne tried to do. :) :)
it will probably take 2 to 3 weeks (after the ink dries) before frost's dc and oc have to be replaced
Devaney won 2 championships. Osborne won three. So Frost can't leave until he's won at least four. I'm guessing he can do that before he turns 70.
I think he's putting off his decision now to see what NFL opening come up
Since we have a number of pedestrian "SF is on the way!" or "How long does he have?" posts. I thought I would try something different! Even though my own source poured cold water on our speculation at Moos and SF mind-reading and dared to say "Scott can still say no". I am going to wave my magic wand and say SF comes to NU and that he performs a miracle and turns NU football around. He even begins to replicate his success at UCF and after some short amount of time, he wins an national title.

So given my hypothetical, my question to everyone is: How long does he stay or does he go to the pros? Does anyone think SF would keep going at the college level or find new goals?

TO was head coach for 25yrs. Sounds about right
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