Hip replacement doctor recommendations anyone??


Nebraska Legend
Aug 27, 2006
Anyone have a doctor they swear by they'd like to suggest?? I've tried a few of them already here in Omaha, and found out fast everyone is booked up for rest of the year. This might be a strange request on a football message board, but I thought it was worth a shot.
make sure you mark which hip with a majic marker , my dad got one, don't remember the doctor, he suggested marking which hip cause they have made mistakes on other people
I've had three prior surgeries on it that didn't work, I look like Frankenstein, they'll know which one I need when they look )
I'll ask my dad, but he got both of his done in Denver, and loves it. Totally transformed the guy
If Denver is an option, my surgeon is with Panorama Orthopedics in Golden and he does the surgery at Ortho Colorado Hospital. I particularly liked the hospital, because joint replacements is all they do. Feels more like a small clinic than a hospital.
Anyone have a doctor they swear by they'd like to suggest?? I've tried a few of them already here in Omaha, and found out fast everyone is booked up for rest of the year. This might be a strange request on a football message board, but I thought it was worth a shot.
Just curious where you have checked in Omaha.
make sure you mark which hip with a majic marker , my dad got one, don't remember the doctor, he suggested marking which hip cause they have made mistakes on other people

Had cartilage removed from my left knee in the late 70s. Pre-surgery, they started shaving my right leg!

Had a great ortho for knee replacement six yeras ago.
If Dallas is an option, Dr. John Barrington did mine. Did day surgery, in and out 5 hours!
That is what I thought, figured I would be in hospital for a couple days. So did my wife, thinks she was hoping for someone else to deal with me.
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Anyone have a doctor they swear by they'd like to suggest?? I've tried a few of them already here in Omaha, and found out fast everyone is booked up for rest of the year. This might be a strange request on a football message board, but I thought it was worth a shot.
Wife had both knees done (3 months apart) and had Dr. Jacobson at CNOS in Dakota Dunes. They scheduled the surgery through the Dunes Surgical Hospital (physician owned) and they only do surgery on bones. Great care facility - private rooms, very quiet and restful, and catered meals. On a side note, Dr. Jacobson is the uncle of the basketball player who recently transferred from NU.
Does IM Hipp do hip replacement? If so, that might be a good start. :D

Seriously, there's a doctor in Denver who is as good as it gets. Ted Parks with Western Orthopedics, highly respected surgeon. Too bad he wasn't in Omaha.
Does IM Hipp do hip replacement? If so, that might be a good start. :D

Seriously, there's a doctor in Denver who is as good as it gets. Ted Parks with Western Orthopedics, highly respected surgeon. Too bad he wasn't in Omaha.

Western Ortho did my last reconstruct, awesome place. Trying to get in again but the Dr. I wanted is booked for the rest of the year, will look into Dr Parks. THANK YOU!!
Western Ortho did my last reconstruct, awesome place. Trying to get in again but the Dr. I wanted is booked for the rest of the year, will look into Dr Parks. THANK YOU!!
Read up on Dr. Parks, the guy designs and builds cars. Met him a couple times during my wife's procedure, pre and post, very nice and easy to talk with. Again, very highly thought of and a true professional if there ever was one.
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Read up on Dr. Parks, the guy designs and builds cars. Met him a couples times during my wife's procedure, pre and post, very nice and easy to talk with. Again, very highly thought of and a true professional if there ever was one.

Already called....
Dr. Joshua Urban, Nebraska Orthopaedic Associates, near Oakview Mall. My 80 year old mother had to have a hip revision surgery and he was able to do it successfully. His bedside manner is lacking (he's all business) but as an ortho surgeon he is the best in Omaha. My mother had issue a few months after surgery with another health problem and he saw her promptly to make sure the revision was still working which was very reassuring to her. A previous hip replacement failed (not by Dr. Urban) and she is in constant fear that that will happen again. Bad joints run in our family and we are joking about trying to get a family discount with Dr. Urban.
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Anyone have a doctor they swear by they'd like to suggest?? I've tried a few of them already here in Omaha, and found out fast everyone is booked up for rest of the year. This might be a strange request on a football message board, but I thought it was worth a shot.
I've had two (done at the same time); Best hip replacement surgeon in the U.S.
is Larry Dorr in Los Angeles. All the orthopedic surgeons that I talked to about this in Austin and elsewhere say that Dr. Dorr is their mentor. Many of the pros, including coaches, have said he's the best. Also, a big football fan and we talked Husker football, both before and after surgery. He's a great guy with an outstanding staff. Probably can locate him under Dorr Arthritis Institute, maybe
at the Southern Cal Med School.....
Western Ortho did my last reconstruct, awesome place. Trying to get in again but the Dr. I wanted is booked for the rest of the year, will look into Dr Parks. THANK YOU!!

Dr White did my wife's labral reconstruction 2 months ago. He's the man
Anyone have a doctor they swear by they'd like to suggest?? I've tried a few of them already here in Omaha, and found out fast everyone is booked up for rest of the year. This might be a strange request on a football message board, but I thought it was worth a shot.
If it's for you or family, I hope you get good treatment. Surgery is no fun; I've had a few.
Travis Stoner. He mainly works on knees and hips. Used to work in Hastings, but moved to Geneva to do his own thing...not being on call, working weekends, etc.
You can look him up on Touchstone Orthopaedic Care.
Dr. Parks did one of my two knee arthroscopic procedures. That was in 05 so a few years ago. Great guy, I was a car guy at the time, he loved to talk cars. Had a personal tragedy in his life. Western has a solid reputation.

Edit: I remember him talking talking about working on Troy Aikman's knee when he was in college so Troy and I had that in common. :)
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Wife had both knees done (3 months apart) and had Dr. Jacobson at CNOS in Dakota Dunes. They scheduled the surgery through the Dunes Surgical Hospital (physician owned) and they only do surgery on bones. Great care facility - private rooms, very quiet and restful, and catered meals. On a side note, Dr. Jacobson is the uncle of the basketball player who recently transferred from NU.
Dr Jacobson has a strong reputation. His dad was a neighbor of mine at one time. Dr is much better surgeon than his dad was a neighbor. CNOS does a great job. Your 90 minutes north of Omaha. Rehab is strong
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Travis Stoner. He mainly works on knees and hips. Used to work in Hastings, but moved to Geneva to do his own thing...not being on call, working weekends, etc.
You can look him up on Touchstone Orthopaedic Care.
Dr. Stoner is probably the best hip surgeon in Ne. and maybe the Midwest. I played golf 10 days after a total hip replacement.
If you were in the Dallas area I could recommend a great orthopedic surgeon at the Carrell Clinic--they do pretty much all of the Dallas Cowboys, Mavericks, Hockey team work! I had a left hip replaced in 2000 and it changed my life: from total pain to absolutely no pain--had no rehab as I had jogged for thirty years and was in fair shape. Good Luck and now they have like micro techniques where I have a footlong scar on my hip!
I had a total hip replacement this past May 2016 with an Orthapedist based in the Hays Medical Center in Hays, Kansas. Since then that fellow has moved to Lincoln to work in a specialty Orthapecics Clinic (associated with St. Elizabeth Hospital I think??). He did a good, professional job - named S. Lee (of southeast Asian descent). He used the traditional method of entering from the backside, and was willing to discuss the issue and lay out the options. We were pleased with how everything worked out. So, I would reference that fellow as someone who did a good job in may case.
I used Pat Clare on my knee replacement and loved it. Unfortunately he retired a year or two ago. Overall I have been impressed with Nebraska Orthopedics.
Travis Stoner. He mainly works on knees and hips. Used to work in Hastings, but moved to Geneva to do his own thing...not being on call, working weekends, etc.
You can look him up on Touchstone Orthopaedic Care.
I graduated from high school with Travis. Good dude. I haven't seen him for a long time.
Randy Neumann (with OrthoWest) did my knees and my hip. Would have highly recommended him too, but he has retired from doing surgeries now. I got an infection in my hip a year after the surgery and Dr Joshua Urban did my revision and I would also highly recommend him. Two years out from revision and doing great. My other hip is starting to have the telltale signs of being close to needing replacement and there's no doubt about who will do it!

Dr Travis Stoner is a local guy that did a knee for my brother and probably saved his leg! Great doctor and even better person!
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Coach-Ed - I'm so sorry that you had to have a revision. For those of you who don't know what a "revision" is it means coming in and trying to re-do the hip replacement when the original hip replacement has failed. This is what happened to my Mom when her original hip replacement failed and her hip bone literally kept popping out of place. I believe Dr. Urban may have been the only Dr. who would even attempt to do the procedure as it's very tricky. I actually met Dr. Urban when my Mom had a follow up to her knee surgery (after the hip revision - I told you we have a family history of bad joints). She had discontinued taking some medication without consulting with him which of course made him unhappy and he said "I don't mean to be a dick, Doris, but you can't do that". I about died because he said this to MY MOTHER!! He was right of course and now it has become our family joke. RollingLaugh

He really is a great doctor and the entire staff is wonderful.
I had FAI, then a reconstruct, then a revision of the reconstruct, none of which fixed me. I'm hopeful the 4th time is the charm, and that Dr. Urban can finally give me my active life back. 4 surgeries on the same hip kinda blows, but at least we live in a country that we have access to the medical community that can fix this stuff.
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Who ever you get, make sure they use the anterior method (incision in the front). Those who had it years ago may have gone through the posterior or rear. That cuts through a lot of muscle and requires a lot of recovery time and rehabilitation. The side entry has been a little bit more recent, but that method leads to having the joint pop out, squaring below parallel (and I don't mean with a barbell) is contraindicated, and there have been other complications and failures.

I had a total hip replacement in 2014, switched orthopedic surgeons because the guy who did my knee didn't do it that way. It was done at a surgery center but I went home right afterwards (post recovery from the anesthesia). I walked as soon as my head cleared. There was recovery time at home but no rehab except for some simple exercises I could do on my own, and no real restrictions.
I remember when I had this problem, I had very acute pain and I did not participate in a match. That's when I went to Dr. Craig. L. Hansel from the OrthoNebraska Clinic, he helped me, and I am grateful to him to this day. From the clinic they directed me to, and they took care of my rehabilitation period. I also had other health problems, so I stayed at a rehabilitation center for 3 months and this helped me to be in shape.
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